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Sky's P.O.V

Kitty and I are running through the forest, hoping we can find him. Ghost and Ty are in the air. The others are checking other places. I jump over a fallen tree. 

"I can't see him. What if we don't find him?" Kitty asks. 

"We'll find him." I look to the right. Wait a minute. I slow down to a stop. What is that?

"Ghost Ty what's that?" 

Ghost's P.O.V

I look to where Sky is looking. It's a big black circle. It looks like a spell of some sorts. I land next to it. Sky and Kitty stop next to me. Ty lands next to me. 

"What is that Sky?" Ty asks. Sky looks at it. 

"I don't know." Sky said. I stick my hand out to touch it.

"Wait Ghost what if something bad happens?" Kitty asks. 

"Let's all go in it." 

"That's a terrible idea." Ty said. 

"Yeah." Kitty said. 

"Can't hurt to try." Sky said. 

"Yeah let's find out what this is." Sky and I go in it. I spin around. 

"What is it?" Kitty asks. Ty and Kitty comes in. The black circle starts glowing. I look down. 

"This was a trap." A barrier shows up around the edge of it. It lights up the sky with a black color. I look up. Well this can't end well. I go on my knees. It feels like someone is sucking the life out of me. 

"This was a dumb idea." Ty said. 

"I'm with you there." Something grabs me. Everything went black after that. 

Seto's P.O.V

The sky turns black. I look at Robert, Jason and Ian.

"Well that can't be good." Robert said. I look towards Sky. 

"I think they found something."

"Let's go." We start running towards it.  This can't end well. 

Sky's P.O.V

I open my eyes. Well that was fun. I can;t move. I am wrapped in black chains. Head to toe. Well this will be fun to get out of. Someone puts their foot on my back. 

"Sky I thought you would have been smarter." Withermu said. 

"You know how curious I get." 

"I know." Withermu said. 

"Sky!" Someone yells. I look towards the voice. Seto, Jason, Robert, and Ian are there. 

"This will be fun to fight you Sky. Let me warn you. That this time you won't win." Withermu said. He disappears. The chains get tighter around me. Ghost, Ty, and Kitty are in the problem I am in. It wraps tight around my sides. Not there anywhere but there. I grit my teeth. Robert is above me. He is trying to get the chains off. 

"Man how will we wait Sky are these getting tighter?" Robert asks. 


"Seto." Robert said. He moves back and Seto goes above me. He hits me with something. The chains brake. I stand up. The others stand up too. 

"What happen?" Ian asks. 

"I don't know. Withermu said that he will win this battle." 

"That's not happening. We will beat him." Jason said. I smile. 

"What was with the chains?" Ghost asks. 

"I don't know." 

 The song is If I had you by Adam Lambert. This song doesn't get old. It was written in 2010. I still like it. I hope you enjoy the chapter. I have some things to tell you guys about the series in the next chapter. Which will be another author's note. I need to tell you guys this. I think that it's important to know.



Withermu: Book 3 to the Sky Army SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now