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Tay's P.O.V

I open a door and see Mitch looking at something. He seems stressed and tired. The guys seem to be tired all of the time. It's starting to worry us. They seem to be busy all the time. I wrap my arms around Mitch's neck.

"What are you doing?" Mitch looks at me.

"I don't even know anymore." Mitch said. Why do they look like they have not slept in weeks?

"What do you mean?" Mitch sits down.

"I don't know, its making me confuse." Mitch said. He looks at the paper. Ok he needs to relax. I can help with that. I grab the paper out of his hands.

"Hey I need that." Mitch said. I sit in his lap and I wrap my arms around his neck.

"You need to relax. Why do you guys look like you have not slept in weeks?"

"Been busy. You guys are new here and staying up all night are normal for us. The most is like 4 days. We get sleep sometimes." Mitch said. They need sleep. If I don't get sleep, then I will be cranky.

"You guys need sleep. It's not like its very important." Wow I feel dumb for just saying that. I look at him.

"It is important. People depend on us to keep them safe." Mitch said.

"I know. I don't know why I said that."

"Well I better get back to things." Mitch said. I am not moving.

"Nope your staying right here. You seem stressed and I think that I can help you take a load off." I smile. I put my head on his shoulder. I feel his arms wrap around me. I put my hands on his chest. I could sleep like this, but it's 10:30 in the morning.

Sky's P.O.V

Every time I take a step it hurts. I see the base. Kitty is helping me walk. I can seem to walk right.

"We are almost there." Kitty said. I look at her.


"For what?" Kitty asks.

"For helping me." Kitty smiles.

"Well remember that still get to slap you, but we should get you to the hospital first." Kitty said. So she is going to slap me. I deserve it. I mean I couldn't even help Jason before he turned. My vision is starting to blur. What is happening to me? I go on one knee. It feels like needles are going into me.

"Sky what's wrong?" Kitty asks. I look at my hand, its turning black like Jason. I mist have got the wither curse from Jason. Seto will help.

"G-Get Seto now." Kitty nods and starts running to the base. I lay on the ground. I can't move. I need to stay awake at least. 

Kitty's P.O.V

I run at full speed to the base. I look back. Sky is on the ground. My eyes widen. He said to get Seto and I will. I run into the base and I open a door. I see Seto talking to Robert. I grab his arm and start pulling him.

"What the hell Kitty?" Robert asks.

"Sky's hurt badly. He needs you now Seto." Seto pushes me off. of him and looks at me.

"Where is he?" Seto asks. We run out of the base and towards Sky. I see him. Seto kneels next to him. 

"Kitty get back." Seto said. 

"Why whats wrong with him?" 

"Sky you idiot." Seto said. He stands up and backs up.


"Back up." Seto said. Everything is happening so fast that I don't even remember what is even happening. I suddenly get pushed and I hit a tree. I see Seto and Sky go flying back. I sit up. My eyes widen. 


Withermu: Book 3 to the Sky Army SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now