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Kitty's P.O.V

Jason does not look like Jason. He has a black aura, and he has black eyes. The picture. He's the wither, no not Jason. Jason looks at me.

"Jason." He smirks. Something grabs me and I hit the ground.

"The base is over there. Say hi for me." Jason said. I flying myself go flying and I side on the ground. I must have hit something hard.

"KITTY!" Someone yells. I sit up.

"J-Jason." Jess is looking at me. I am in the base.

"What about Jason?" Jess asks. I see something coming towards Jess. I stand up and put my hands on the ground. I put up a shield in front of Jess. I can feel it hit the shield. I put the shield down. Sky and Seto are still there. I look at myself. I have a black needle in my leg it went to the other side. I pull it out. I scream as I pull it out.

Ghost's P.O.V

I hear something crash outside. That does not sound good.

"KITTY!" Someone yells. I hear a scream. That sounded like Kitty.We run outside. Kitty is standing in front of Robert. She has a black needle in her hand and its covered in blood. What happen? I run next to her.

"What happen?"

"J-Jason." 'Kitty said. Jason? I turn around and look at Ty.

"Outside the base." Kitty said. I turn into my ender form and start running outside the base. I see two figures up ahead. I stop. Sky and Seto. They are in bad shape.

"Ghost look out!" Someone yells. I look to the right. I see black coming at me. My eyes widen. Something grabs my foot and pulls me to the ground. That black thing missed me, but who grab my foot. I look at m y foot.

"Sky how did you know?" He looks at me. His eyes are white.

"Jason." Sky said. That's what Kitty said. I stand up. Something hits my back. I turn around. I put my arms in front of me. I feel myself go back and hit the ground. Everything went black.

Mitch's P.O.V

Something is coming. I pull my sword out. Something big is coming. That is actually three big things. They hit the ground and explode. I hit the ground. What is that? I sit up. Everything is on fire. I feel cuts on me. Something is coming. Not more. Ashes are in that sky. We need Sky. Demons like no others are coming. We should be able to handle this. Something else is helping them. I look around. Everyone is down. I run out of the base. What is causing this? I feel myself pushed back. I go flying back into the base. I hit something. I turn around. A wall falls on me. My eyes widen. I start running but it hits me. I hit the ground and everything went black.

Jerome's P.O.V

I sit up. I see Mitch. My eyes widen. He starts running and the wall behind him hits him. No!

"Mitch!" I stand up and run to him. I turn around. Is that Jason?

"Jason." He looks at me. He appears in front of me. He's crazy! He grabs me and pins me against a wall. I am not fighting him.

"Who's Jason?" Jason asks. He's posses. My eyes widen. No this can't be happening. Someone grabs Jason's arms and pushes him away from me. I sit on the ground. I look up. Ty.

"Jason what the hell?" Ty asks. He is in his Enderlox form.

Robert's P.O.V

Seto said to watch out. I will. I look at my men. I went back to the North Village.

"Hey Robert do you-" I hear an explosion from the south towards the Sky Army Base. Two more come. I look at it.

"COME ON!" We climb on our horses and head towards it. I would think that they need us right now.

Seto's P.O.V

I open my eyes. The base is in flames. Jason is more powerful then I thought. He can't control it. I look at Sky. We need a brine. I crawl to him. I put my hand on his back. I grit my teeth. I look at myself. I have cuts all over me. Now I will have the wither curse. A purple ring goes under me. The wither curse is transfer to me. Sky opens his eyes and I close mine. Everything went black.

Sky's P.O.V

I open my eyes. Seto has his hand on my back. I go on my hands and knees. The wither curse is gone.

"Sky! What is happen?!" Someone asks. I look at the base. It's in flames. Withermu has gone too far. Robert is next to me on a horse. I look at the ground.

"He's a dead man."

"Sky." Robert said. I look at the base. I run towards the base. I am not going to hurt Jason. I am going to take Withermu out.

Robert's P.O.V

O my god. 5 men followed me here.

"The Sky Army is in flames!" Someone yells. I see a figure stand up. Sky. I stop next to him. He looks bad.

"Sky! What is happen?!" Sky looks at the ground.

"He's a dead man." Sky said. My eyes widen. Sky has been pushed too far.

"Sky." He starts running to the base.

"Should we follow?" Someone asks.

"No stay here." I don't like seeing the base like this.I look at Seto. He is out for the count. I see something go into the sky. Ty. He lands in front of us. He runs into the forest and comes out with Ghost.

"Ty what is happening?" He doesn't answer me. He puts Ghost down. He has cuts on him everywhere.

"Watch them and don't get involve here." Ty said. He flies away from us. Well I was just put down.

"Well this is great. The base is in flames and Sky has g-" I turn around.

"What? He has gone what?"

"Nothing." Katie said.

"I thought so. Sky has not gone insane yet." I look back at the base.

Withermu: Book 3 to the Sky Army SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now