Authors note

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Well this is hard to write. I mean I know that it might not seem like it, but it is. Mostly because I can't stop thinking about it. I know that things happen for a reason, but when there is a chance something very important to you could died. Like a couple of minutes ago I got a call. But before I tell you, you don't have to read this. I told my friends they are there for me. But I want you guys to know. A couple of minutes ago I got a call from my mom. She told me that um. Zeus ,he is like my best friend he's my dog. He always made me laugh when I'm down. He got hit by a car. She took him to the emergency vet. That is all she told me. Losing Zeus would be like losing an actually friend. There is a chance he will live and not live.
I just...wanted to get that off my chest. Till the next chapter!

Withermu: Book 3 to the Sky Army SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now