Chapter 19: You and I... Together

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That fucking bitch! What the fuck is she playing at by making this into a hollywood drama? I'm so fucking furious I can't seem to think straight.

"Langford may have slept her way to snatch the role from her."

Like fucking hell!

My phone starts to buzz. It's Jennifer.

"Hero, have you read the article?" She frantically asks as soon as I answer her call. Looks like all manners are thrown out the window today, nobody's bothering to even say hello. Understandable.

"I just did," I say calmly despite the hurricane of emotions inside me. I hear the bathroom door opening and Jo stepping out from it but I don't turn to look or I might risk her catching whatever emotion is plastered on my face right now. I just know I'm beet red with the heat I'm feeling in from my neck up.

"I'm on my way to meet Anna and Jenny. I still don't know if they're already aware of this but please keep your lines open, we might call for a meeting within today. Are you with Josephine?" She sounds strained, almost out of breath.

I nod but then remember she couldn't see me. "Yes, I'm in her room right now. Jamie, my publicist, is coming over today. Just let me know when you can," I tell her and it's not long before she ends the call. Taking a few deep breaths, I turn to Jo and see that she's already wearing a pair of black lace panties and bra, the perfect shape of her body in full display for me. How many black undergarments does she have exactly?

Hero, focus!

I shake my head from my filthy thoughts and train my eyes to her face. She isn't looking at me, and instead her eyes are glued to her phone in her hand.


"Jo..." I call her but she doesn't so much as budge. I'm pretty sure she's reading the article right fucking now. Damn it, I didn't want her to find out this way. I notice her lips quiver and her hands shaking. "Love," I try again, this time making my way to her and grasping her chin and tilting her face up to meet my eyes. Her eyes are full of unshed tears, and when she blinks, they fall down her cheeks like waterfalls. "Baby, don't cry. We'll figure this out. My publicist is already on her way here. She'll help us address this stupid issue and deal with Julia. Please... just don't let it get to you." I encircle her in my arms and she buries her face into my chest, her shoulders shaking uncontrollably as sob after sob falls from her lips.

"It isn't true Hero! Why would she even say those things about me?" She cries and my heart breaks from how her voice cracks with pure hurt.

"She's making things up do get sympathy, love. We both know what really happened," I say, reassuringly rubbing her back. That bitch is a fucking psychopath, I mentally add.

"But now everyone will think I did what she claims. Oh my god! I have to call mum and dad," she gasps. Untangling herself from my embrace, she pulls up her mum's contact but not before the buzzing on her phone starts. It reads Maria; Jo immediately swipes to answer the call.

"Hey... yes, I read it... Maria-" a sob escapes from her lips and she bites her lip to stifle another one, fresh tears rolling down her cheeks once again. I can't look at her hurt like this so I avert my eyes from her face. "You know I would never... No, we broke up a few days ago when he came over here in Atlanta... We're... Hero and I are..." she fumbles with her words and I look up upon hearing my name. I don't know who this Maria is but she must be someone very close to Jo for her to be confiding with her about this matter. "Yes, we are... No! It's only very recently, like this morning... Yes that recent," she looks up at me, mustering a shy smile despite the tears still streaking her cheeks. I return her smile with a squeeze on her hand and a reassuring smile of my own. "Have you talked to my parents?... No, it's fine. I should be the one to tell them. It's bad enough that they don't agree with my career choice, I can only imagine what they're going to say about this." She frowns, listening to the other side for a few seconds before she says, "They haven't, but I think they will soon enough. I'll call you when I get a word from them... Thank you Maria, bye," she hangs up.

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