5- Cuts and bruises

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Keith felt his leg come free and he pulled himself out to see if he could find Lance.

He soon did watching as Lance pulled himself out of his own racer wincing slightly as he did.

Keith instantly ran over making Lance relax and smile slightly.

"You alright?" Lance asked as Keith pulled him into a hug. "Keith?"

"I thought you were dead." Keith stated making Lance chuckled slightly.

"Are you alright though?" Lance asked pulling back to meet Keith's gaze.

"I am, thanks to you." Keith smiled.

"Coran isn't going to be happy with us." Lance said looking at the mess they had made. "We should really call it in."

"Right." Keith nodded as the two boys looked towards the castle. "How did you destroy the fighter?"

"I brought my Bayard." Lance admitted. "Thought it might come on handy."

"Lance your face." Keith said stopping and abruptly grabbing Lance's head twisting it to see the deep cut on his cheekbone and a split lip. "What happened?"

"I may or may not have been a bit too close to the ship when it exploded." Lance said quietly rubbing the back of his neck. "I'm fine."

"Stop saying that." Keith scolded shaking his head. "Let's head back."

Lance nodded and the two started to walk but Keith stopped when he realised Lance wasn't with him any longer.

He then headed back to stand next to Lance seeing him staring back at the reckage.

"How are we going to do this?" Lance asked making Keith frown. "I mean we're out in the open, and that fighter can't be alone."

"I know, I know." Keith grumbled frantically. "But we'll figure this out."

"Keith, Lance! Where are you two?" Coran asked his voice making the two jump. "We've just found a Galran base but now we can't find you two."

"We know about the Galra and we need a pick up." Keith said watching as Lance closed up slightly almost shrinking into himself.

"I'm glad you're safe, I'm sending Pidge to pick you up, be careful." Coran said his voice softening and Keith could feel Lance relax slightly.

A blast narrowly missed the two paladins making them jump.

Lance span nearly loosing his balance as his Bayard came to his hand, he then provided the two cover while Keith tried to reconnect with Coran.

"We need somewhere to hide." Lance yelled making Keith turn his attention back to the broken racers.

"Can you make a dust cloud, this won't work if he sees us." Keith admitted quietly.

"How on earth am I ment to-" as Lance was speaking a blast hit directly in front of his feet making him go flying backwads.


The dust cleared and the Galran fighter could no longer spot the two paladins.

It hovered around almost scanning the floor to try and find any evidence.

Keith had managed to pull the now unconscious Lance under a piece of rubble, they were completely invisible to the Galra and Keith could now turn his attention to Lance.

It wasn't great.

First of all he was unconscious, second all the small rock shards that had come loose from the blast had torn at his skin and armour slightly making small cuts appear on his skin.

"I'm so sorry Lance." Keith whispered holding Lance close. "I promise that we'll get out of here."

After a few minuets he heard a lion roar and a battle between it and the fighter, it was soon over but Keith didn't dare move.

"Keith, Lance where are you?" Pidge asked frantically.

"Over here." Keith said pushing the large piece of metal off to show where they were.

"Are you okay? Is Lance okay?"

"No, we need to get him back to the castle." Keith explained as the lion leaned down opening her mouth.

"On it."

Once the two were onboard Keith layed lance down and pulled his chest plate off to make sure he was alright.

But as Keith pulled the armour off Lance groaned his eyes opening slightly to look up at Keith.

"What happened?" He asked confused as he went to sit up.

"No, nope." Keith said pinning him back down. "You've been unconscious for a while so just take it easy."

"I'm sorry."

"No Lance it wasn't your fault you were protecting us and I distracted you." Keith said quietly. "This isn't your fault it's the Galran's for trying to kill us, so don't try and get up just stay down for a few minutes."

Lance nodded closing his eyes as he took a deep breath.

"Are you in pain?" Keith asked worriedly.

"No I just feel really tired." Lance stated peeking to look at Keith. "Honest I'm fine."

"I don't think you are." Pidge called out from her seat. "You took a pretty bad hit from what Keith was saying, I'd say you need a healing pod."

Lance sighed but nodded his eyes closing again.

"Lance, can you try and stay awake?" Keith asked concerned. "Lance?"

Lance hummed but still didn't open his eyes.

"Stay with us, please."

The second the green lion landed Keith picked Lance up and ran into the hanger where they were met by the others.

"What happened?" Shiro asked taking Lance off of him.

"Galran fighter found us, Lance saved my life." Keith explained getting a nod from Shiro following a rather frantic Coran.

Soon enough Lance was in a pod, safe from the dangers of the Galra, even if it was only for a few hours.

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