14- Content

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Lance woke up with feeling extremely sluggish, which only increased the desire to stay where he was.

Warm and comfortable, but it did wake him up when he realised that he wasn't in his room.

His eyes cleared to see Pidge curled up practically in his lap with her arms still loosely wrapped around him.

Hunk's strong arm was still wrapped around him as well preventing him from moving, not that he ever wanted to.

He then realised that his hand was tangled up in Keith's hair which made him smile, he didn't expect Keith's hair to actually be that soft and Lance soon found himself playing with he strands.

It reminded him of home, but not in a bad way.

It didn't hurt like it used to, it was just a feeling deep within him which made him smile.

After a few minuets Lance lent back to see Shiro, Coran and Allura were all gone.

Frowning he debated moving to go and find them but he quickly abandoned the idea when Pidge let out a little sigh.

His other hand gently carded it's way through her hair making her relax again letting Lance lean back onto Hunk's shoulder.

"This is nice." Lance whispered closing his eyes again.

And it was.

Lance would love it if the war would end and that they could all go home as long as he could have this, this friendship with these people, this ability to just be himself.

That was all he wanted.

And sure maybe it was a big ask but these people helped him to realise that he was fine, not perfect, but okay.

And they helped him to realised he was tired, but not for the same reasons anymore.

Sighing contently he relaxed into Hunk and Pidge's embrace and soon found himself drifting off into sleep again.


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