10- Afraid

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Pidge watched as Lance took yet another hit from the training bot making him fall to the floor.

"End training sequence!" She called out and the computer made a whiring sound before the bot disappeared through the floor. "Lance are you okay?"

Lance nodded as he sat up pulling his helmet off to rub the back of his head.

"Are you sure?" Keith asked seeming just as concerned.

It had come to the whole teams attention that Lance had a painful habit of nearly getting himself killed, it was scaring them all.

And it started off subtle, he could just occasionally get in the way of a blast and get hurt or his lion would be a bit too close to canon, or worse yet he hesitated to pull back when he was instructed to do so.

"I wasn't paying attention." Lance mumbled looking down. "I'm sorry."

"It's alright we just don't want you to get hurt." Hunk smiled making Lance look up to him. "Sure we have days where the Galra can get to us but we can't have you getting hurt in training."

"Do you know what was distracting you?" Shiro asked his dad voice kicking in as he knelt next to Lance.

"I just... I kinda zoned out and then I got hit so, lesson learned I guess." Lance shrugged quietly.

"Lance." Shiro said slightly more sternly this time. "Tell the truth."

"That is the truth." Lance argued with a frown.

"Yeah but what were you thinking about?" Pidge added making Lance sigh.

"I was thinking about you guys." Lance muttered his gaze glued to the floor.

"What about us?" Keith asked now anxious.

"It doesn't really matter." Lance replied spinning his helmet in his hands.

"If it made you lose focus in battle then I would say it does matter." Shiro said crossing his arms.

"Come on Lance you can trust us." Pidge said sitting next to him. "Have we done something wrong?"


"Well what is it then?" Keith asked with a slight snap.

"I'm scared of loosing you guys, alright?!" Lance yelled shaking slightly as he met Keith's gaze. "We're at war here, anyone of us could just..."

He couldn't say it, he couldn't, so he grit his teeth and tried to keep his gaze away from them all.

"I'm scared too." Everyone looked Hunk's way as he sat in front of Lance. "I'm scared of not being able to get home, losing you guys and even the idea of losing this war."

"I'm scared as well." Pidge chipped in quietly. "I'm scared I won't be able to see my father or brother again, I'm scared that my mother thinks I'm dead, and I'm scared of the Galra."

Lance watched her for a few seconds before his head rested on top of hers. "I'm sorry."

"Lance it's okay." Pidge said pulling him into a hug. "We all have fears but that's what keeps us going, we want to win and we're going to."

Lance nodded still hiding his face in her hair.

"Don't get my hair wet with your tears and snot." Pidge grumbled making Lance laugh slightly.

"Wouldn't dream of it Pidgeon." Lance mumbled making her smile.

"Paladins their is a distress call, report to the control room immediately!" Allura's voice called out making them all jump.

Lance quickly dried his eyes and pulled his helmet on before following the others to the control room.

When they arrived they could see the castle partical barrier up protecting them as the Galra tried to bombard them with fire.

"We need to get out there." Keith said going to towards his pod for his lion.

"Keith wait." Lance said catching his arm as he scanned the sea of Galran ships. "Let me and blue go first, we can provide cover fire and give you guys and give the castle some breathing room."

"Lance-" "He's right." Coran cut in turning to look at them.

"What ever we're going to do do it now please." Allura groaned as the castle took another round of fire. "I'm not sure how long the shields can hold."

"I'll be careful." Lance said meeting Shiro's gaze before sprinting towards his pod. "I promise."

Shiro nodded and watched as Lance left before he turned to Pidge.

"Get your cloaking on and see if you can get through, if not fall back and wait for my signal." Shiro instructed getting a nod from Pidge as she ran off. "Keith and I will try and get to the planet and clear the atmosphere, Hunk see if you can get Lance down there too, we need him on the surface."

"On it Shiro." Hunk nodded as they all departed.

Lance had managed to clear most of the fighters with ease, he had also avoided any major damage as well.

"Nice work Lance." Shiro smiled as they joined the battle. "Cover Pidge if you can, were going in."

"10.4." Lance nodded launching himself forwards.

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