11- Thank me later

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With the full force of Voltron they managed to get to the surface.

Hunk and Pidge ended up keeping to the air to provide cover fire while Shiro, Keith and Lance took out the ground forces.

Lance was feeling alright, not perfect but good. He was back in his element and he had two of the best fighters watching his back.

"What can you see Lance?" Shiro asked as Lance used his rifle to see further.

"Several guards on each level." Lance informed his finger resting on the trigger. "They've done our job for us and gathered the people all in one of the large halls."

"Can you take out the main force of the guards?" Shiro asked curiously

"To get you inside?"


"I'll give it a shot." Lance shrugged before firing. "Their communications are down, call Pidge she might be able to shut down the sentries."

"On it." Keith nodded as he pressed forwards keeping just out of sight. "Shiro the guards are changing form, they know we're here."

"Time to give them something to shoot at then." Lance sighed. "You two get inside I've got an idea."

"Are you sure?"

"If it gets too much I'll call for back up, I promise." Lance nodded his shield forming. "Just get those people out."

Shiro nodded before slipping behind the rock that they had been hiding behind.

He stayed low and soon he met up with Keith to infiltrate the castle.

Lance steadied his blaster on his knee as he used his other arm to hold his shield up.

"Lance your shield can disconnect." Hunk suddenly said making Lance frown.

"It can?" Lance asked dodging another blast.

"Yeah, try it." Hunk said before he groaned as he took yet another hit.

"Thanks buddy stay safe." Lance said stabbing the end of his shield into the ground before it disconnected. "Awesome."

"Lance were in, see if you can get here too." Keith said quietly.

"On it." Lance nodded rolling back getting out of range before going the way Keith had gone towards the castle. "Pidge or Hunk can you clear the ground or provide me with some cover for about 30 second?"

"Sure thing Lance, I'm coming." Pidge informed zooming over head.

"Thanks." Lance smirked as he made it into the castle. "Shiro Keith I'm on the level above, I'll keep you posted."


Lance was able to move through the halls with relative ease, the guards clearly weren't to worried about the level he was on.

He soon found a balcony where he could see all the prisioners on the level below.

"Whoa..." Lance said quietly pulling back staying in the shadows. "This is nice of the Galra."

"Lance." Shiro sighed and Lance could imagine that he was shaking his head. "Where are you?"

"Opposite you on the level above." Lance informed. "There's no guards up here."

A sound caught Lance off guard, he span to see the shadow of soldiers coming his way.

Lance growled and hid himself but made sure he would be able to see what was going on.

"Come now your Highness." One of the Galran's said with a dark glare. "All we want to know is where the crystals are, then we can use them to hurt Voltron if not I will kill your people slowly but surely in front of you then I will torture your son."

The king lowered his head as if deliberating whether or not to tell them.

"Your Highness duck!" Lance called out as he took out to of the main guards.

The king did just that and Lance took out the surrounding guards.

Once done he turned to the king to help him with his cuffs.

"Thank you paladin." He nodded as Lance got the cuffs off.

"Where are they keeping your son? We need to get him to safety." Lance asked as he directed the king back to the hiding spot.

"What about my people?"

"The Black and Red paladins are helping them now." Lance explained calmly.

"Oh no."

Lance turned to see who he assumed was the prince being dragged through the corridors, he was putting up more of a fight then his father was.

"Son!" The king called out making Lance freeze.

They had now seen them. Great.

Lance growled and let his shield form before he started firing again.

One of the guards then held a blade to the princes throat and Lance's mouth went dry, he stopped and lowered his Bayard keeping his shield up protecting the king.

"Lance we could do with some help." Keith grunted on the other side of the coms.

"Kinda busy." Lance responded flatly.

"And the shield paladin." The Galran smirked making the prince whimper as the blade was pressed more firmly against his throat.

"Alright." Lance growled lowering his shield.

It was then that he was hit.

And electrical pulse surged through him making him fall to the ground unable to move.

His Bayard rolling away.

"Take them both to the commander." The Galran grinned watching as Lance struggled against it. "I wouldn't bother, you can't escape it."

Lance grit his teeth, his mind focusing solely on stopping the Galra.

He felt his Bayard return to his hand and he lashed out.

The electricity stopped and Lance looked up to take down the remaining guards, nearly hitting the prince in the process.

"You nearly hit my son!" The king yelled as Lance stumbled to his feet.

"Yeah thank me later." Lance mumbled turning to look over the balcony. "Are you guys okay?"

"Yeah we're good." Keith responded looking up to smile at him showing they were alright.

"Paladins if we may have a word with you all." The king said holding Lance's helmet in his hands making Lance's neck strain.

"Of course." Shiro nodded with a slight frown.

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