13- Involuntary

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It didn't take long for Pidge, Hunk and Coran to set up their defense and the team soon found themselves behind the protective walls of the castle which was starting to feel more like home.

They were all worried.

They didn't know how Lance was, or where he even was.

"Do we split up?" Pidge asked quietly, she really wanted to make sure her brother-like-figure was alright.

"No we need to all be there for him right now." Hunk said taking the lead. "Let's see where he's gone."

As they walked past the training deck, they spotted Lance, he was breathing hard his hands on his knees as he stared at the bot which lay broken in half on the floor.

Coran let out a sigh of relief when he saw him and hugged him tightly from behind making Lance jump.

"Coran?" Lance asked his voice croaking showing he had no doubt cried.

"Thank you." Coran said quietly making Lance chuckle.

"I ment it, all of it." Lance said quietly turning to face the rest of the group, his eyes were slightly bloodshot and it made him look tired. "I'm sorry I ruined things."

"Lance." Allura said shaking her head as she cupped his face. "You didn't ruin anything."

"But I literally punched the king." Lance said confused meeting her gaze.

"I think that just emphasised your point." Keith said with a slightly laugh. "And thanks for not freaking out about me being Galran."

"Never could, never would." Lance smiled as Allura pulled back to let the others speak to him.

"I don't actually have anything to say." Shiro said with a soft smile. "Except thank you."

"Honestly any time Shiro." Lance smiled as Shiro pulled him into a hug.

"I don't know where we would be without you." Shiro replied as he held Lance's shoulders making him face him. "We owe you a lot."

Lance chuckled shaking his head as Pidge and Hunk both attacked him with hugs taking him slightly by surprise.

"Come on guys join the hug fest." Pidge croaked as a few tears escaped.

Keith laughed quietly before joining the group making Lance laugh as well.

"You guys are rediculous." Lance mumbled as the rest of the group joined the hug. "But this is nice."

"And Lance, we would have done the same for you." Hunk promised squishing Lance one more time before letting him go. "Thank you so much."

Lance laughed but it still looked slightly pained.

"What's wrong?" Pidge asked worriedly.

"I'm scared." Lance mumbled looking away. "What if we... What if things don't get any easier and and we end up even further away from earth?"

"Lance, it's okay." Keith said with a small smile. "We've got eachother for now but I promise you we'll get home."

Lance smiled at him before a few tears escaped making the others slightly worried.

"Sorry, this is involuntary." Lance chuckled but the tears kept coming no matter how much he tried to stop them. "I have no idea where they're coming from."

"We're sorry." Pidge said hugging him again. "Please don't cry."

"I think he is trying not to." Keith responded with a frown as he patted Lance's shoulder.

"How about we have the rest of the day off? We're all emotionally exhausted and could probably do with some down time." Shiro said making Lance meet his gaze.

"Sounds like a plan." Lance admitted finally getting his tears under control.

"How about we do a sleep over?!" Pidge squeaked practically jumping up and down. "I've got a few movies downloaded on my laptop."

"And we can have snacks and blankets." Hunk added.

"Don't forget the fort." Lance chipped in with a slight laugh which made everyone smile.

"Meet in the lounge in 15 minuets." Pidge decided before sprinting out of the room.

"This is going to be awesome." Lance said excitedly as he and Hunk headed out of the room.

"I think he'll be okay Shiro." Keith said patting him on the shoulder. "He's got us."

"Yeah, let's go before they start without us." Shiro chuckled.

The movie night was a success, Lance spent most of it quoting the lines and doing the voices.

It was like the old Lance was back again.

But by the end of the movie nearly all of the paladins were asleep.

Lance was curled up by Hunk's side with one of Hunk's arms wrapped around him tightly. Pidge was layed across Lance's legs hugging his stomach her legs all tangled up with his.

Keith was curled up into a ball on the floor by Lance with several blankets wrapped around him as he was the first to fall asleep.

Lance's hand had subconsciously got tangled up in Keith's hair when he fell asleep which made Shiro laugh nearly waking the group.

Shiro was the next to fall asleep sat next to Hunk who's head had fallen into his shoulder.

Allura and Coran had stayed up for a while chatting about a few things before making sure the others were alright before they joined them in the land of sleep.

It was nice for the group to be together again and without the pressure of being the universe's only hope, without the constant fear that one of them was going to die.

They were happy all together.

And that's how they planned to remain a team and a strong one at that, one that knew each others flaws, knew each others weaknesses, but saw past them.

They were each others strength.

And they always would be.

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