3- Lies

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Keith stared at Lance for the majority of breakfast.

It was weird seeing him so much happier then the day before even when no one had spoken to him.

Keith could see the tiredness in his eyes but he couldn't see anything else.

Sighing he decided the run through the ideas he had come up with last night, he wanted to be a part of Lance's healing process.

Mostly because he had indirectly caused it.

All he needed was Lance to be vunerable again, to be open with him. That way he might be able to get through to him, currently however he was shutting people out building a wall that hid the pain, the fear, the story, and the emotions away.

Lance really was stronger then Keith had realised.

But his laugh still didn't sound right. But then again if Lance had told the truth yesterday, then he hadn't been right since the garrison.

Once breakfast was done Allura explained how they were planning to have a day off making Keith's plans slightly more possible.

"And Lance I forgot to ask if you had any injuries from yesterday." Allura said turning to him.

"Nope I'm all good." Lance smiled standing up.

"No you're not." Keith said his eyes wide when he remembered. "You definitely weren't, you were bleeding yesterday."

"Yeah but it's fine now." Lance responded and Keith could see a glimmer of the fear slip back into his expression and how his smile faltered slightly.

"Fair enough then." He shrugged trying make Lance relax, make it look like he didn't care at least until they were on their own.

"Alright then." Shiro sighed standing up. "Have a good day everyone and try to keep out of trouble."

"Rodger that." Pidge grumbled finally more awake then before. "Come on Hunk, we've got to fix the communications device."

The others departed leaving Keith and Lance still at the table with a rather awkward silence.

"Why did you lie?" Keith asked quietly.

"I didn't." Lance responded his gaze never leaving the table.

"Lance you know that you shouldn't hide injuries, none of us want to sit through Shiro's presentation again." Keith pointed out making a small smile come to Lance's face but it quickly dropped. "Why don't you trust us?"

"What?" Lance whipped his head around to glare at him.

"You don't trust us do you? You think we don't care so you keep it all in."

"It's not that." Lance cried out frustratedly.

"Then what is it?" Keith asked just as frustrated.

"I don't know!" Lance yelled standing up but his voice soon dropped to no more then a whisper. "I don't know."

"Lance let me help you." Keith said standing in front of him. "I sort of caused this, so let me fix it. Please?"

Lance shook his head but stayed quiet as he kept his gaze to the floor.

"Lance... You're broken." Keith admitted making Lance look up. "And you need help, you don't have to take it from me but... At least let someone help you."

Lance's eyes welled up with tears again and he let his head fall onto Keith's shoulder as he let out a small sob which he tried to muffle.

"You're not a quiet crier are you?" Keith asked with a slight chuckle.

Lance chuckled too but it was shrouded by the tears. "You a-asked for it."

"Yeah I guess I did." Keith smiled rubbing Lance's back. "Please be more open with me, even if it's only in front of me. I won't tell the others."

"Promise?" Lance's voice was more like that of a child's that was afraid of the consequences.

"I promise." Keith said pulling him closer to him.

"And please stop making me cry, it isn't helpful." Lance stated pulling away as he dried his eyes. "So what do we do now?"

"Since we have a day off how about we just talk, you tell me what's going on up here." Keith said ruffling Lance's hair.

"Hey." Lance laughed pulling away. "It's not easy to make my hair as good as it looks."

Keith raised an eyebrow as Lance shook his head making his hair return to its normal state.

"I prefer it messed up." Keith said absentmindedly making his eyes go wide as he realised what he had just said.

"It's kinda weird that you have a preference for my hair." Lance admitted looking away. "So where to?"

"My room." Keith said grabbing Lance's arm pulling him swiftly after him.

Once there Keith closed the door and sat on his bed leaving Lance stood awkwardly in the middle of the room.

"How is your room so neat and tidy?" Lance questioned making Keith sigh.

"I may or may not have OCD." Keith grumbled quietly.

"You must hate this war then." Lance chuckled making Keith frown.

"We're here to talk about you not me." He pointed out making Lance groan. "Come on."

Lance sighed after a few moments of consideration, he ended up sat cross-legged on Keith's bed hugging a pillow as Keith watched him critically.

"Just start at the beginning."

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