𝙜𝙞𝙮𝙪 𝙩𝙤𝙢𝙞𝙤𝙠𝙖 | 𝙛𝙖𝙩𝙚

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we can't change fate, can we?

I've always loved the water pillar, who's cold aura can send a thousand to silence

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I've always loved the water pillar, who's cold aura can send a thousand to silence. The moment I met him, I already like him, and as I got to know him, my feelings developed further. Even though I developed these strong feelings for him, he never returned them back. The reason? Shinobu Kocho. The insect pillar was the woman of his dreams. I couldn't blame him, for she was an ideal woman, but I was, and still am, hurt. Have I confessed to him? Yes, countless times, but I never got 'yes' or 'I like you too' as an answer.

Y/N: Tomioka-san, I have something to tell you.
Giyu: Sure, what is it?
Y/N: Well, I like you, a lot, and I was wondering if you felt the same. Do you?
Giyu: Haha, I like that joke Y/N.
Y/N: Tomioka-san, I'm serious.
Giyu: Y/N, you know how much I like Shinobu. I consider you as a friend, that's all.
Y/N: Oh, yeah, of course I knew that.
[End of Flashback]

That was the last time we properly talked. For these past months, we never talked a full on conversation. It still hurts, but I've learned to accept it.

[Giyu POV]
I always see Y/N crying at night, and I know I'm the reason. I rejected her, and I regret that. She always cries in the same old spot, under the Sakura Tree at the back of the estate. She would sob there until early morning, then would return back to her room. I would always see her, and everytime it broke my heart. I lost my feelings for Shinobu months ago. Why? It's because I learned how much Y/N actually loved me and how much I mean to her. I had that realization the night I saw her crying next to Mitsuri.

Y/N: I don't know anymore, Mitsuri-chan. I love him, but he doesn't love me back. I can't do anything to change his mind, can I?
Mitsuri: You can't change someone's mind, nor their feelings, Y/N-chan. If he isn't for you, then that's not your fate. You're meant to be with someone else, and he is too. Though, what are you going to do now?
Y/N: I love him, and with that, I'll support him and his decisions all the way, no matter what they are and what they may be, unless it affects others badly, but knowing Tomioka-san, he'd never have any bad intentions. As long as he's happy, I'm happy, even though I'm not the one making him smile.

Eavesdropping to their conversation was a perplexed and heartbroken Giyu. He didn't know what to do. He reflected, and thought about this.
[End of Flashback]

[Giyu POV]
For the past few months, I fell in love with Y/N. I noticed her beauty and shining personality. I don't even know why I haven't noticed this before! Her flowing long [h/c] hair that complemented her face. Her eyes that shined beneath the moonlight. Her soft and fair skin. Her radiant smile that would light up my day. She was a beauty. Her personality was an even better benefactor. She was fun, humourous, optimistic, vibrant, elegant, and kind. I wanted to make it up to her. I wanted to confess to her the next day, and hug her as tight as I can.

[The Next Day]
Giyu: What do you mean she's on a mission?!
Uzui: Woah! Calm down. Y/N is on a mission with Rengoku-san in a town up north. They left early this morning.
Giyu: When do they return?
Uzui: In about two weeks or so. I expect them to comeback with a flamboyant victory. Why are you so eager to know anyways?
Giyu: I kind of developed feelings for Y/N, and I wanted to tell her.
Uzui: Ah, so you've finally decided to return her feelings. Do it flamboyantly!

[Three weeks later]
It's been three weeks, and I've been worried sick about Y/N and Rengoku-san. They still haven't returned. Were they dead? Alive? Injured? Separated? I didn't want these bad thoughts. I wanted to get rid of them, so I decided to walk around the estate. I walked for about 5 Minutes or so, when I saw the other pillars huddled near the front gate. I went to see what was going on. There I saw Rengoku-san, but no Y/N?

Rengoku: Y/N- S-she didn't make i-it.

My heart shattered at the words Rengoku-san uttered. All the pillars suddenly felt sad, gasping at the news, and so was I.

Rengoku: An upper moon attacked us, and she was killed, though not eaten. I managed to survive. I didn't want to leave Y/N's corpse, so I decided to bring it back.

Then he pulled a big bag from behind him. I guessed that's where Y/N's corpse was. I was crying, sobbing. I couldn't process that this was actually happening. The time where I actually felt something for her, she dies, just like that. I couldn't even hug her, let alone kiss her.

The pillars decided to have a proper funeral and bury her under the same growing sakura tree, where she always used to cry. I was heartbroken, disheartened. I was the last to leave her grave.

For the past two years, Giyu never forgot to visit her grave and tell her about his day. He'd leave flowers, and start to cry while he told his stories.

Giyu: How are you doing up there? You don't know how much I want to see you right now. I really miss you. I want to see your smile and beautiful face again. I love you, you know that? But I never actually got to tell you. I miss you, so much. There isn't a day I don't think about you. I'm sorry if I ever hurt you, and I regret that. I love you so much, love.


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