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Fluff + Angst~♡
Requested by seccothetrashman
1368 words

what does it take to be misunderstood?

what does it take to be misunderstood?

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He hated that feeling. Almost nobody understood him. The only person who understood him was his sister, Ume. He isn't 'accepted' by society. He couldn't meet the over-the-top standards of society. Apart from all that, his life with his family, excluding his sister, was horrible. They were poor, and were at the bottom of the social classes. He only had two people that were there for him. His sister, and... Y/N.


"Hey, Gyutaro! Want to play?"

"I- I don't have time."

"Aw, why not?"

"M-my parents..."

"Oh, I see. Well then, see you tomorrow! I'll be waiting!"

[End of Flashback]

As he grew a little older, society grew colder towards the man. He was treated badly, and he didn't want to be held down. If he had to be honest, he was envious of anybody who had a greater life than him. He was petty, and sarcastic, and it only worsened when he grew up. Why was the world so cruel? He was only so small and weak, why couldn't they accept him? His sister was always there for him. Comforting him, talking to him, even though she was younger, and couldn't understand everything, she was there. Y/N too was always there. She became his shoulder to lean, and to cry on. She was always there for him, and would comfort him too. She was his friend. She understood him, and his emotions.

"Shh, are you ok? Why are you crying?"

"W-why are t-they so mean to me?"

"They're just mean. Shh, don't cry."

"Am I really that ugly, Y/N? Why does society hate me so much? Why do the people pick on me?"

"You're not ugly! Not everybody hates you. Ume and I are always here. Now, stop crying."


As time passed, Gyutaro found himself rather liking Y/N. Her smile, her words, her kindess. It made him feel something towards her. It was a strong feeling. Just the sound of her sweet voice was enough to send his heart beating extremely fast.

"So, which one do you think Ume would like for her birthday, Y/N?"

"Definitely the pink pin! It suits her."

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