𝙜𝙞𝙮𝙪 𝙩𝙤𝙢𝙞𝙤𝙠𝙖 | 𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙧

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Angst + Fluff~♡
2357 words

i can't believe i fell in love with a stranger

He swiftly took sharp turns, both left and right

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He swiftly took sharp turns, both left and right. He was chasing after a demon that he was supposed to kill. He ran as fast as he could, but that demon was still faster. It took another sharp turn. Giyu, although being quite agile and swift, was left a little behind. As he turned the same sharp corner, he found the demon withering in the distance. He stopped at his tracks as he noticed a small figure, which resembled a woman's, right in front of the withering demon corpse. Her hair was blown by the wind as her back faced the pillar. Her katana was wielded up, signaling that she was the one who slayed the demon. Her blue haori also went with the wind. She looked mysterious, as the moon shone upon them. Giyu didn't move an inch from where he stopped. His kill was taken. The girl then jumped up then went from roof to roof, going farther and farther from the pillar's sight. He then approached the spot where she stood. He was surprised obviously. The girl didn't seem to be a pillar, but she killed a demon that just turned a corner with such ease. And from how she jumped and fled away made it seem that she was flexible and quite skilled. Whoever this mysterious stranger was, she was definitely strong and quite excellent in fighting. Though he was a little bit bitter at this stranger who killed the demon and voided his mission, he also wanted to know who this mysterious stranger was. He then soon fled back to headquarters to report what happened.

"You seem a bit down, Tomioka-san. Finally realize that nobody likes you?"

"What do you mean nobody likes me?"

"Ah, poor Tomioka-san."

"I am not disliked, Kocho-san. It's not the reason why I look down either."

"What happened then?"

"I'd rather not."

"Ehhh, come on Tomioka-san!"

"Again, I would rather not tell."


Before Shinobu could complain any further, he left and went to rest. After chasing out that demon, and coming back to headquarters, he was pretty exhausted. As he sat down, catching his breath, and trying to relax, the image of the mysterious girl kept on coming back to his head. Her silhouette and just how she wielded her sword. He wanted to know more about her, and how did she kill a demon that easily. He didn't even hear so much of a noise before he turned that same corner. Maybe she sneaked up on the demon and sliced it's neck from behind? That would give the demon no chance to react whatsoever. He went back to reality and told himself to stop thinking about it. She didn't seem like a pillar, but from what he briefly saw, her skill could possibly match a pillar's. He went on about and stopped thinking about the stranger.

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