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sometimes love needs a trigger to be found

What does it take for him to give up? Zenitsu has never even tried to give up

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What does it take for him to give up? Zenitsu has never even tried to give up. He's a wimp, a coward if I had to be honest, and he would easily give up on fighting, but when it comes to flirting, he does not give up. He's been courting me since we started training for final selection. I was training alongside him when he just started to flirt with me. He would ask me over and over again to go out with him, which I obviously turned down. He likes pretty much every girl, but he never gave up on me.

Zenitsu: Y/N-chan, please marry me!
Y/N: No. Why would I?
Zenitsu: Please Y/N-chan, I love you🥺
Y/N: You're not going to get girls like that, ok?

And that's what he's been doing to me for the rest of the time we were together. Zenitsu is a kind man, a good friend, but he will not get any girls to like him if he straight up asks them to marry him. We both passed final selection, and went on a few missions together. After those few missions though, we were given tasks in different areas. I was to go west, and he was to go north. He was crying, sobbing, begging me not to leave him and go our separate ways. I told him that we had to part, because we need to do our job. I left him there. It's been weeks since we last saw each other. I wonder how he's doing. Speaking of missions, I actually just finished mine. I was pretty exhausted after that and kind of wounded actually. So, I'm heading to the Wisteria House to get some rest, and possibly get my wounds to heal.

[In front of the Wisteria House gates]

I finally arrived at the Wisteria House. A kind elderly lady escorted me and toured me around. She told me that three other young demon slayers dropped by, and are currently eating. She told me to change and join them in a while. She lead me to my room and told me to call for her if I needed anything. I thanked the woman, and proceeded to change my clothes. As soon as I did, I went over to eat. As I slid the door open, I saw him. Zenitsu was there, with I'm guessing the two other demon slayers.

Zenitsu: Y/N-chan? Y/N-chan! ^^

He went over to me and hugged me by the waist.

Y/N: Hey, hey. Get off me! I want to eat.
Zenitsu: But Y/N-chan-

I escaped from his grip and sat down to eat.

Y/N: So, who are you two?
Tanjiro: Oh, I'm Tanjiro, and this is Inosuke. You must be Y/N. Zenitsu has been talking a lot about you.

I was a bit surprised actually, but I just started to munch up some food, then we chatted a bit. After eating, I was about to head to my room when Tanjiro invited me over to their room for a while. I agreed and we stayed there and talked for quite a while. Tanjiro had a box, which made me curious of what was inside. It was revealed that in the box was Tanjiro's younger sister, Nezuko, who is actually a demon. I felt a bit uneasy at the thought that I was in the same room as a demon, and I'm not even killing or attacking it. Dichotomous to my feeling, Zenitsu was love-struck. He was slightly mad at Tanjiro for 'hiding' such a beautiful girl and keeping her all to himself. I chuckled a bit, but I felt the same uneasy feeling. No, it was not because a demon was right in front of me. No, it was different. Was I jealous? No, I can't be. I've been ignoring and rejecting this guy, and now that he has another girl to flirt with, I'm free and I should be happy. Because of this, I bid my goodbye and goodnight and went over to my room where I slept the night away, peacefully.

[The Next Day]

I woke up to the trampling of feet on the floorboards of the room beside mine. It was their room. I went there to see what the ruckus was about. Zenitsu was chasing Tanjiro and Nezuko, saying "Nezuko-chan~." He wasn't even trying to hide his crush on her (A/N: no shit sherlock). On the outside, I was laughing, but on the inside, I was hurt. Yep, I'm jealous alright, but why? I always rejected Zenitsu, and now that he's onto another girl, I'm suddenly jealous? Do I like him? Do I want his attention? I mean, it was the first time he hasn't noticed me once I entered the room. Getting that uneasy feeling again, I want to thank Inosuke for ruining the chase, by entering the room, which made me laugh even harder.

We all went to eat breakfast, and I didn't speak a word. I was left quiet, and again, jealous. It was a weird feeling.

[Zenitsu POV]
Y/N was awfully quiet, and she seemed so down. I was worried. I didn't want my favorite person to be down. So, I decided to cheer her up.

Zenitsu: Y/N-chan~!
Y/N: ...
Zenitsu: Aw, Y/N-chan🥺
Y/N: What do you want?
Zenitsu: Are you mad?
Y/N: No? I'm always like this.
Zenitsu: You look angrier than usual.
Y/N: No, I'm not.

And with that she left the room. We all got ready to depart from the Wisteria House. We were all just waiting for Y/N. She came out looking more breathtaking than ever, but she completely ignored me. Sure, she ignores me all the time, but this time, the aura felt different. Was she mad at me? Wait, was she jealous of Nezuko-chan? I chuckled at the thought. We bid our goodbye to the old lady, and off with our journey.

Inosuke and Tanjiro went up ahead, while me and Y/N stayed a little bit back.

Zenitsu: Y/N-chan, stop ignoring me, please. It hurts. :'(
Y/N: ...
Zenitsu: Y/N... are you jealous?

I was shocked at his question. How did he know?

Y/N: W-what? No, I'm not idiot.
Zenitsu: If you aren't, then why are you blushing right now?
Y/N: N-no I'm not!
Zenitsu: I can see the red tint on your cheeks, and you're stuttering as well. Don't worry Y/N. I may have a crush on Nezuko-chan, but you're still the one I love.
Y/N: H-hey-

Before I could even finish my sentence, he scurried to catch up with Inosuke and Tanjiro, which was good, because I think I just blushed even more.


I love this so much🥺 ùwú
Hope you did too!~♡

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