Chapter 9

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Today was Thursday and all nine members of Stray Kids were gathered outside of an airport in Seoul, near their plane, patiently waiting to board their flight to Tokyo. Since Tuesday, Changbin and the other members had been sure to keep Hyunjin away from Felix. It was a subconscious thing and it meant a lot to Felix. Granted, Hyunjin hadn't tried to approach him since that day, either. He hadn't talked much to anyone except Seungmin, really. He had tried to approach Changbin multiple times, though, but the older just ignored him every time. Honestly, Felix felt guilty. Maybe Hyunjin didn't deserve this. It wasn't his fault he had fallen in love with Changbin, and Felix didn't blame him either, of course. Changbin was amazing. And Felix couldn't help but feel guilt everytime Changbin pushed Hyunjin away and he had to see that look of disappointment, hopelessness, cross Jinnie's face. Felix knew what it was like to feel hopeless. And he didn't want anyone else feeling that way, not even Hyunjin. No matter how much of a dick he had been.

As the members got the heads up that everything was ready, they gathered their luggage and hauled it towards the plane. It took a few minutes to get everyone settled with all of their luggage put up. And it took even more time to find a place to put all of Jisungs luggage, he had brought way too much even though Chan insisted he wouldn't need it for the three night trip. But, eventually, everything was set and they were prepared to leave.

"Felix, come sit next to me!" Chan was waving him over, beckoning him to sit in the window seat beside him. Felix looked around, searching for Changbin and finding him already sitting in a window seat with Hyunjin next to him, Seungmin sat in the seat across from them, looking concerned. Felix sighed.

"Yeah sure." Felix pushed past Chan who was already sitting in the seat by the aisle. Felix pursed his lips slightly, his eyebrows creasing as well, as he thought about Changbin. Felix was stressed out, no different than usual. He only hoped he could catch a break from it on this trip.


The flight was only supposed to be around 2 and a half hours, right now they were one hour in and Felix was kind of uncomfortable. No one had bothered to go to sleep with the flight not being long anyways, there was a little chatter here and there but most people were just on their phones. Felix was trying to relax, but he felt confined, and these seats weren't the most comfortable. He shifted around uncomfortably, and Chan noticed his discomfort.

"Felix, do you want to switch seats? If you're by the aisle you won't feel so stuffy." Chan spoke quietly and Felix immediately nodded at gratefully,

"Yes, please."

The aussies shuffled around, Lix standing and walking into the aisle so that Chan could move over to his old seat, and then he re-sat himself down where the older had been. They drew some attention from other members but only for a second before everyone went back to their things.

Felix settled and tried once again to relax, and then he felt his phone vibrate at his side. He pulled his phone out and checked the notification, it was a text. A text from none other than Seo Changbin.

Binnie❤️: Is everything okay?

Felix stared at his phone before looking up to see Changbin looking back at him, Hyunjin also turned around to look at him before looking away.

Felix looked down and texted a reply to Changbin.

Felix: Yeah it's all good, I just felt cramped so I moved to the aisle seat.

Binnie❤️: Okay that's good, I was just checking

Felix sighed and put his phone down, not having a second to relax before he felt himself get another notification, he frustratedly picked up his phone again, now seeing a text from Hyunjin.

Jinnie: What were you texting Changbin about?

Felix rolled his eyes slightly before replying.

Felix: He was just asking why I moved seats, not a big deal Hyunjin.

Jinnie: Wow it's almost like he actually cares about you.

Felix: Okay

Jinnie: Wow, just an okay? That's sad.

Jinnie: Must be hard being someone like you, you know. Someone pathetic?

Felix ignored Hyunjin's texts, his breathing a little uneven but he tried not to react.

Jinnie: Hello?

Jinnie: Haha, ignoring me? Didn't think you could possibly get lower. Guess I was wrong

Hyunjin was looking down as his phone angrily, he was upset that Felix wasn't answering, he wanted a reaction of some sort but this was aggravating.

Jinnie: Well, whatever.
Message not delivered

This number has blocked you.

Hyunjin scowled at his phone, and Felix felt accomplished. Now, he could finally calm down for the rest of the flight.


In another hour and forty minutes, the plane had landed and the nine boys had managed to leave the airport after retrieving their luggage, they were now in a rental car being driven to their hotel.

"Woojin hyung who's rooming with who?" Jeongin perked up from the back, and Felix realized that that was a good question. They were never told the sleeping arrangements.

"Well, I don't think it matters much, there are no room assignments since this is a vacation. But, since there are nine of us we get three rooms. We could do three to a room, but we don't have to. There's two beds in each room so there's enough space for everyone."

Felix was happy to hear this, that means he probably wouldn't have to room with Hyunjin, if anyone could stop it, Hyunjin wouldn't come near him on this trip unless he wanted him to. He wanted to room with Chan and Changbin of course, but he didn't know if they wanted to room with him so he'd just let them decide first.

"I wanna room with Minho!" Jisung blurted out loudly, jumping slightly and Minho rubbed his back and laughed at him.

"Of course, baby. It'll be fun." Minho smiled and Jisung blushed, leaning in further to him.

Chan groaned before speaking. "Oh lord I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'll take one for the team and room with them." Changbin pat Chan on the shoulder and wished him luck.

"I kind of wanted to room with you, Chan." Woojin spoke up from the front of the car and Chan turned to him and smiled.

"That's fine, we can have four in one room and then three and two in the others." Chan spoke happily and Woojin smiled gratefully, thanking him.

"Well, I wanna room with Hyunjin." Seungmin spoke quietly, tugging on Hyunjin's shirt and the older looked down at him.

"Sorry, but I'm gonna room with Changbin." Seungmin felt himself slump down, trying to hide himself in his hoodie.

"Oh...that's fine I just-"

"Hold on I never said I'd go with you! I actually want to room with Felix." Changbin half shouted at Hyunjin, who only smiled softly at him.

"I don't see why we can't all room together? Me, you, and Felix. Seungmin and Jeonin can also room together. Is that fine with everyone?"

Felix looked down and nodded hesitantly, Changbin looked at Felix and then turned back to Hyunjin.

"I guess if Felix is okay with it...what about you guys, Seungmin, Jeongin?"

Jeongin smiled wide at Changbin "Actually I wanted to room with Minnie so it's fine with me!"

Seungmin smiled at Jeongin, glad that he wasn't disappointed "We'll have fun Innie!" Jeongin nodded and bounced in his seat slightly. Cute.

Changbin sighed defeatedly and Felix looked at him.

This could be worse, right? Sure it could be much better, but it could definitely be worse. This trip wasn't ruined for Felix yet and he was going to try hard to keep it that way.

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