Becoming Mrs Aiden

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" May I present to you Mr & Mrs Aiden Ryan" said the priest.

"Mr Aiden, you may now kiss the bride"

A long hand raised my veil , I looked up to see a pair of dark,emerald eyes staring at me. He neared me and his rough lips touched my supple lips, our noses hit each other. No, we didnt kiss. It looked like we did to the audience but his lips merely touched mine.

I could see how emotionless his face was. As the crowd clapped for us, I shuddered as the thought of having to live alone with my husband, Mr Aiden Dave Ryan crawled up to my mind.

We exited the Church to enter the black BMW. I have no idea what model it was, but damn, I have never rode in such an elegant one before.

In the car, the sun rays smeared on Aiden's face ,yeah my newly wed husband, I saw the work of nature on his face... sharp jawline and nose, the 5'o clock shadow clearly defining his jawline, pinkish red lips which were straight , emerald eyes which I could drown and face death in. His body showed signs of being a regular gymmer , such toned muscles... Oh dear lord what have I put myself into?

I have got no idea if he was vogue model or the CEO of Ryan Holdings.

Then it dawned upon me that he was looking at me. Wait, he wasnt looking, he was staring.
Whats up with him? Hello, Im your wife and I was also forced into this wedding.

"We are here, MY house, get down" he said.

I was too busy being mesmerised by his deep husky voice that I forgot to notice the majestic house infront of me.
Everything about Aiden is so perfect except for his character. I just wished he didnt act like as though I was some trash in his rubbish bin

I walked into the house. Awestruck by its elegance and the powerful aura it emitted. Just like Aiden.
Author's note:

I couldnt wait to write so I did it inbetween my exam. Im a first time writer. Please forgive my mistake. Love you all

Mrs Aiden Dave Ryan [Wattys 2014]Where stories live. Discover now