His Home & My room

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"Nice house, Mr Ryan" I said trying to be friendly with Aiden.
Come on he is my husband right? I need to be friendly.

"Aiden. Call me Aiden" he said with almost no sense of friendliness.

I was about to reply when..

"What is your name ? Janet or Dora?"
Yeah Dora the Explorer, thats my name. And I wonder which of his ex-girlfriend is called Janet. HE DOESNT EVEN KNOW MY NAME.

" Victoria, You can call me Vic or Tori." I said smiling.

"Look, the room to your left is yours and the master room is mine"

Before I could even digest what he said, he went into the room which I presume to be his Office.

Seems like I have no choice but to stay in that left room of mine. I think Aiden doesnt even like me. He hasnt even spoke anything nice since we have married. Exactly 4 hours. Im 4 hours married Yo! His short clipped sentences just make me feel like he hates me. Fine, I have no choice but live with him.

I dragged myself up with the thoughts of living with Aiden. I opened the room door to my room . And what I saw amazed me. It was beyond beautiful and so so spacious.

An empty walk-in closet waiting to be filled with my clothes and shoes.

I looked at my luggage placed there yesterday itself. Thanks to my parents who have had brought it here with all the excitment of their daughter getting married.

I unpacked my luggage and changed into a yellow dress which reached my knees.


I walked into Aiden's room. I couldnt handle the curiosity anymore. Actually this has to be my room as well. But then we didnt marry for love. I was forced into this and he was too. In the name of business.

Of course,  this room was two times bigger than mine. The curtains were perfectly hanged such that they looked picture perfect. I looked at a shelf on to my right, filled with photos.

Seems like Aiden had been living here quite long. Everything was arranged neatly. And then I saw something on the shelf that made my heart stop for a minute or two.

To be continued ...


I was supposed to write only after 21st nov but I was taking breaks. So i decided to update

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