Baby Amanda

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After 4 months...

"Aiden! Can you get the pacifier? She is crying?"

"Uhh wait. Wow she is a crybaby like you,Belle!! Hahaha just kidding"


"Wow bro stop teasing your wife" said Jason as he carried Amanda.

Yes!! She is Aiden's and my child. She has Aiden's green eyes. Cant believe both father and daughter will be such heartbreakers. Damn their eyes...
That night when I had Amanda, Aiden was beyond scared. He told me to be brave but I could see a lot of fear in his emerald eyes as I gave birth to AMANDA.
Amanda was rather an easy baby, after 6 hours of labor I had her. I didnt experience much pain, about 4 pushes and I had her already.
When the doctor gave Aiden the baby, delight was dancing on his face. I could see him tearing out of joy. Well, CEO Aiden instantly became Daddy Aiden as he kissed her forehead.
"Amanda Camalia Ryan" he said as he gave her to me.
"Perfect, Aiden"
That exact moment.. the joy of being parents began and till now, we are learning and enjoying it.

"Hey Vic, what are you thinking so deeply about?"

"Jen!! Nothing I was thinking about me and Aiden. We have came a long way, havent we?"

"Yes, I still remember you on your wedding night and now you are the mother of his child!! So meant to be! So where is my god-daughter now?"

"Hahahaha!! With her uncle,Jason"

"Gonna cuddle that cutie pie now!! Vic follow me down too!!"

Aiden's POV
When I first saw Belle in my family gathering, she didnt strike me as a girl who could turn my whole life totally around.
She was not like the other girls I saw, she clearly wasnt after my money or looks. She was also forced into the wedding but I saw in her eyes the determination to make this work.
She relentlessly tried to break any wall I built around myself. She did anything and everything to let me know that she will be there for me.
When she left home on the Wedding Night, I feared that she was also like the rest- the ones who do not want to live with me. When she mistook me for being in a relationship and wanted me to be happy with my "girlfriend"; I saw the sweetest person in so many years. Someone who cared about me rather than their feelings. That day I decided that I will live with her and start my life afresh.
Finding her at Jen's house was not tough, one of my friends spotted her at Jen's house on the night itself. I thought of giving her some time to let her calm down. But after the interview, I knew I couldnt stand her absence.
After that,she still tried to uncover who was Natasha. I tore away the photo to tell myself that everything is over and I dont need to live in the past anymore. But soon after that, the past came back flashing infront of me... I went to the poolside to chill. She came there and again blamed herself . The moment I pulled her towards me and she slightly fell onto me, I knew I was falling for her. It didnt take me long to know that she is the one .
After the birthday party when she questioned me, her questions felt like they were slapping up my conscience for being so cold with her eventhough I should have treated her right. I asked her to get out in the heat of the moment but my ego didnt let me detour and get her back. Instead, I called Anne and made sure Belle was safe. Anne did told me how worried Belle was, but what I didnt tell her was that sorrow was eating me up too. Those were the days I really missed Belle.
When Belle told me she was pregnant , I was so happy but Natasha was still haunting me. I knew I was going to have a family so I had to put a stop to Natasha. I thought I could do it without Belle's knowledge but it turned out so bad thay Belle met an accident and had a miscarriage. Guilt stabbed me so hard in the heart when I knew what I have put Belle through. I felt that I was responsible for everything and confessed everything to Belle. She didnt even hate me for all I have done. She always embraced me with love and assured that she will be with me no matter what.
When she got pregnant with Amanda, both of us were extra happy and careful. Today I have not only gotten a perfect wife but also a beautiful daughter. A daughter who reminds me of my late sister. Without Victoria Belle Ryan, this wouldnt be possible. She changed the cold , ruthless me into a man full of love and high spirits.

"Aiden, what are you doing in the room,alone? Anything wrong?" Belle asked as she gently put Amanda into the baby craddle.

"No I was just sitting. Come here."

"Yes Aiden.why?"

I hugged Belle and kissed her on her supple lips.

"Thank you so much, without you I wouldnt be here"

"Mr Aiden Ryan, I dont need your Thanks. I did my job as your wife and Aiden, I am always there for you. You know what?"

"Thanks and yes?"

"I prefer the CEO Aiden "

"Oh really ..." I said as I hugged her again from the back and she tried to run away.

Thats when Amanda started crying...

"Ohh seems like someone wants you more to herself"

"Hahaha yeah she is daddy's little girl" I said as I cuddled Amanda and Belle hugged us.

"This is so beautiful!! Mrs Aiden Dave Ryan,I love you".

                 -----------The end---------



I will be coming up with the Epilogue soon!! So stay tuned ♡♡♡

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