Bedroom stories

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Aiden came back sometime after Jason and Jen left.

"Belle, whats wrong? You are looking so pale? Are you not feeling well?"

I ran to Aiden and hugged him.

"Why didnt you tell me?"

Aiden brought me to the bed and made me sit down. He kneeled on the floor and held my hands.

"Belle, tell me what happened?"

"Why didnt you tell me that you wanted a baby girl? Why didnt you tell me about your late sister, Belle? You must have suffered so much when you knew I had a miscarriage, the baby was your source of hope,right?"

"Did Jason tell you all of these? WHERE IS HE NOW?"

"Aiden, he did the right thing. Im your wife. I need to know everything. Im sorry for all I have done. Can.. can we .... you know..." I said as I hugged Aiden.

Aiden understood what I meant and he began to do what had to be done as he laid me on the bed.

*lights off*

One month later...

Aiden, Jason,Jen and I decided to meet for lunch at the nearest shopping mall.

"Vic, look at that shirt!! Wouldnt that fit Aiden perfectly?" Jen said as we were looking around the Boutique.

"Jen, how about look some for Jason ?? You need to do something for your new boyfriend,you know?" I teased Jen as her face turned all red.

Yessss!! Jen and Jason started dating around last month. And I totally love the J&J combi. Jason is a lot more freegoing than Aiden, which makes him just perfect for Jen, the carefree queen. If they both stay over in my house, I swear its all super noisy and messy. They occasionally have food fights where they throw food at each other. Man,I get totally drained off  by the time I get them both to clean the house.

And Jen's idea of getting a shirt wasnt a bad one cause Aiden's birthday is in two weeks. We have been married for 6 months and I have done nothing for Aiden. Despite all our fights, Aiden has always been there as my supporting pillar. So I should definitely get something for him.

After shopping, we met the guys for lunch and as usual Jason and Aiden started comparing their Highschool life while Jen and I made use of the time to order all the food and whack it. Afterall the guys said it was their treat.

Jen and Jason decided to stay and shop more while Aiden said he wanted to go back home. Being the dutiful wife I am, I followed Aiden.

"Wow!! thats hell lot of shopping ,Belle" Aiden said as I kept the stuff I bought from the shopping session into the car.

"Aiden, I have not depleted your bank balance yet and Im sure you still have hell lot of money even if I do. Err.. lets say ,I needed clothes."

"No Belle. I dont mind if you use up all the money I have. As long as you are happy, Im good. Do you need your own credit card?"

"Naah Aiden. Its alright. Yours is fine."

"Ahhh its raining!!"

"Thank God we reached the car or else we would have been drenched totally. Aiden, can I ask you something?"

"Yeap I dont want to be all wet and cold. And sure, go ahead."

"How do you usually celebrate your birthday?"

"Are you kidding me ,Belle? I dont celebrate. I usally have a lot of meetings and work. So my birthday doesnt reduce the workload. Which means I spend my day in the office"

"Hmmm... Aiden, can you celebrate your upcoming birthday with me? Now, you are married, I want you to not be alone on your birthday." I said staring into his sharp jawline.

"No promises . I will try to be at home. And stop staring into my face. We are in the car,not bedroom" He laughed.

"Whatever Aiden. Im sleepy."

To be continued....
Author's Note :

So Jen and Jason are togther!!

I hope you guys liked chapter.

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Mrs Aiden Dave Ryan [Wattys 2014]Where stories live. Discover now