Relaxing with Cheeseballs

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Chapter 18

"Good Morning Aiden!! Get ready for work"

It was the next day after Aiden and I returned from the hospital. We were too tired that after the whole drama that we hit the bed immediately after dinner.

Aiden stayed up abit till I took my medicine but soon fell asleep. Poor boy hahaha

"Hmm... Belle, Im on leave for a month. Let me sleep."

"Aiden, just because you are the CEO it doesnt mean you can take such a long leave and ignore your workers"

"Trust me, I care about my employees but I care more about my wife. No worries, my  brother, Jason is coming from Seattle to takeover the firm for awhile. Happy now,Mrs CEO?"

"Aiden, Im fine. Im under medication now so you can go to work. And why didnt Jason join our wedding? Is he the younger brother?"

"How about NO, madamè? I wish to take care of my wife. Yes Jason is my younger brother, he was doing his University exams then so he didnt come."
I guess Aiden needs a  rest from his hectic work too.

"Alright sir you may take care of Mrs CEO as you wish."

"My pleasure Madamè!! And Jason will be staying here in our spare room"

"Okay!! We will do breakfast soon! Go and shower now"

"No you go and shower,Belle. I will do breakfast. You need to rest."

"Ughh Aidennnn"

"No. I said go and shower"
Wow hi to CEO Aiden again.

The door bell rang while we were having our breakfast....

"Aiden, I will get it"

"No stay, stop running around. You need to rest."

Aiden went to the door. And there stood a guy who was an exact copy of Aiden. He looked younger than Aiden but was just a carbon copy of my husband.
That should be Jason!!

"Hi Victoria!! You should be the girl who has gotten my brother completely changed"

"Hahaha!! Yes Im his wife . Nice to meet you Jason. So how was the trip?"

"Great. Just a bit jet lag. Hmm sorry about the miscarriage , I was awaiting my little niece or nephew to cuddle around with. Maybe it could have been a girl right, Aiden?"

"Its okay. It was my fault. What do you mean by a girl ? Aiden, you never told me you wanted a baby girl?" I said glaring at Aiden.

"Jason, its not the right time to talk about babies or a baby girl now. Belle hasnt recovered fully yet. Do not remind her of it. And Belle, look here... Im okay with a girl or boy."

"Sorry Victoria!! But Im sure our family would want a girl. To get back what we lost."

Before I could digest what Jason said Aiden pulled him up the stairs.

I quickly cleaned the table and went to call Jen for a quick catchup.


In the afternoon, Aiden and Jason were busy doing something in the kitchen. Did I told you that they both banned me from entering the kitchen for the next 3 hours??! This guys are just so funny.

I heard the sound utensils falling and things breaking but I dare not peep inside. As long as I have my kitchen back in one total piece,Im fine. But I still remember the mess Aiden did when I wasnt at home. Just imagine, 2 times the mess now cause Jason is here too. Maybe messing up the kitchen runs in their blood.
After 3 horribly noisy hours...

Aiden and Jason came with an Apple pie , baked turkey and Agilo Ogilo with Cheeseballs.

To be honest, I was impressed . Of course, I cant expect a Law firm's CEO and a Business graduate to cook like the MasterChef participants. But I know they tried. They get A+ for their efforts.

The food was great. Maybe I should get hold of the Cooking Book they took the recipes from.

After lunch, Jason went out for a meetup with his friends,leaving Aiden and me alone at home again.

"Belle, shall we watch a horror movie? This one is from Thailand"

"Ohh sounds scary. With English subtitles right?"

"Duh Belle. Do I look like I understand Thai?"

"Who knows? Afterall you are the CEO of the great Ryan Holdings. You might have learnt Thai to cater to your worldwide clients" I said teasingly.

"Yeah right, Mrs Ryan. Dont you forget that you have a versatile and smart husband" Aiden said smiling.
Ahhh his dimples!!

"Oh well, stop self-praising Mr Aiden Dave Ryan. I want to watch a movie!!" I said throwing a cushion at him.

He caught the cushion swiftly and kept it away.

"No violent games till you fully recover, Belle" Aiden said putting the CD into the CD player.

"How is throwing a cushion violent? Aiden, this is too much. Im not a little girl. Im Mrs Aiden. Just as capable as my husband"

"Ahhh is it?? You know what? We shall watch the movie instead. Our argument is endless and pointless" Aiden said as he brought two bowls of buttered and salted popcorns.
Yipee I love them. Yummy stuff.

The movie was indeed scary. I found myself tugging Aiden's shirt and pulling him closer. Aiden's face was straight as a robot, as if he was watching an advert. He chuckled whenever I hugged him but never forgot to eat his popcorns. My plan to steal his popcorns were a waste as he kept them to his side. Selfish husband...hmmm... maybe he isnt.

I succumbed to sleep and fell asleep on Aiden's shoulder.

To be continued...

Author's note :
Jason's words may seem a bit mysterious to you guys but this foreshadows more revelations about Aiden and his past!!!!
And what do you guys think of this chap???

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