Then, who am I ?

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Chapter 3
What did I see ? Why did I even went into his room?

These thoughts were just playing over and over again in my mind. I saw a photo of him and a girl. They were practically hugging each other.

He wasnt frowning like what he does to me. He was wearing a very silly smile. A smile where his dimples were seen.

Does that mean he had a girlfriend and I have practically intruded into their relationship?

It cant be his ex-girlfriend. If it was, he wouldnt have placed a photo of them on his shelf.

Tears rolled down my cheeks. Even if were not married cause of love, I decided to treat Aiden as MY HUSBAND. I never knew that I have had spoiled his life.

No wonder he hates me. I cant tell this to my parents. Im their only child , Im their world. When Aiden's dad , Simon offfered this marriage deal to my dad . It was not merely a business deal. My parents felt that Aiden was a responsible guy to hand me over to. Yes, we merged Woods Firm and Ryan Holdings but my parents were really delighted that they have gotten me a good husband. Now,if I were to go to them and tell him that Aiden was attached and this wedding has separated him from his lover, my parents wouldnt be happy. They wil die out of the sorrow that my marriage life isnt going to be as blissful as they thought.I  have another woman in my marriage. Probably Aiden is waiting to divorce me so that he can marry her.

I look around the room and walk out wiping off the tears. Its 9pm and Aiden is no where to be seen.

Tonight is our Wedding Night but my husband is not even at home.
So much for being Mrs Aiden.



Aiden is not back yet. I have been sitting on my bed and pondering on what to do.

I have been contemplating if I should continue this wedding or just leave Aiden to live his life with the girl he likes.

I decide that the best way is to leave Aiden. Its only been few hours since he has become Mine. It shouldnt be hard leaving him. I pack up my clothes and arrange the room neatly.

Finally, I write a letter to Aiden :
Dear Aiden ,
Its been great getting married to you. I have not yet started living with you but I came in with the thoughts of living with you as your wife .
But I realised today that you have done a great sacrifice - to leave behind the girl you love. I have never intended to be an hindrance in your love life.
Im sorry for spoiling everything. I understand your agony. Im glad I found this out today itself.
I will leave you and her to live in peace. Please dont attempt to for search me. I promise to never come back in your life. Thank you and sorry, Mr Ryan.
Yours Truly,
Victoria Belle Ryan


I finally get into a cab . Struggling with my luggages.

"Where you heading to , my lady?" asked the Taxi Driver

"Uhmm, Chester town, avenue 54 "

I said Jen's address. Jen is my best friend more like my homie. She is the only person who can shelter me from this harsh revelation.

After about 20 minutes of silent torture in the cab,I get down, paying the fare.

I waddle to Jen's house with my luggages.

Thank God, she is home. I bet she is cooking something and Im just too hungry.

I ring the bell and Jen opens the door. She didnt smile but stares in shock

"Vic, what are you doing here on your Wedding Night?"

"Jen, can we eat first please? I promise to explain to you later and Im gonna migrate her forver gurl"

"WHAT THE FRENCH FRIES? Where is Aiden?"

"Yeah French fries sounds good ,can we get them??? Please let me in first atleast? Jen please "

And I slowly walk into her house , smelling cinnamon buns

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