"A Poem To Tell You The Truth;A Poem To Show My Fear"

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I'm scared to let people in, sir
I trust you
But I'm scared that if I put all my trust in you
You'll either pass me off to someone else
Or abandon me completely

I'm scared that I've burdened you, sir
I've told you so much
And you help me more
I'm scared that all I'm going to end up doing
Is draining you

I'm scared that if I let my guard down completely, sir
And allow you to protect me, help me, or support me
I'll become too burdensome, too worthless, and weak

I'm scared that if I always tell you the truth, sir
You'll find my depressing life annoying
You'll start to resent me
You'll turn away from me
And you'll hate me

I'm scared that when I need you, sir
You won't be there
I'll be alone, all alone again
And I think that kind of thing
Would destroy me

I'm scared that the help I need, sir
Might destroy me
More than it will save me
It'll destroy my family
And leave me hated and alone

I'm scared that I enjoy your help, sir
I feel protected with you
I feel safe
I feel loved
And I'm scared that will go away

I'm scared, sir
And I don't want to be
I want to be able to let my guard down
But I'm scared
I want to place all my trust in you
But I'm scared
I want to let you help me
But I'm scared
I'm scared
I'm so scared, sir, and that's the truth

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