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For the past few weeks I have been having fun playing with Sky, Ken and Sandy.

It has been two weeks since I woke in this body and I haven't even catch a glimpse of my supposed to be family. Are they actually abandoning me?

Every time I think about that my mood will be sour and I have no will to play again. So I decided I'm going to ask Ken today.


"Yes Young master?"

"Where is mother and father?"

After I said that Ken seems a little bit surprised by my sudden question and froze.

"That...young master..."

"And also where is brothers and sisters? Why all of them never come and play with me?"

Ken becomes more quite

"Does all of them hate Luv and doesn't want Luv anymore?"

Ken look surprised but he kept his mouth shout. I knew it, not only in past life I'm going to be alone again. Is this really my fate? Am I fated to be alone?

I can feel my eyes blurred.

"Young master..."

Without looking back anymore I run away from the garden and enter to the mansion. I keep running not even looking where I have been wandering to.

But then I bumped into someone and fall to the floor. When I lift my head I saw two boys and two girls are standing in front of me while their eyes widened. Yup I finally meet my older siblings. But I don't care what I care now is just keep running away and shut my self in my comfy room.

So I stand up bow to them without saying anything. I walk to the stairs that headed to the second floor, but then just in the middle of the stairs I feel that my body is burning and my heart is like being stab by a thousand needles.

Ahhh...it hurts 'Sky! Where are you?'

My body has lose its strength to stand and I can feel like I'm falling backwards. Ah? Will I die again. But then the hard floor that I have anticipated didn't come.

I open my eyes, I huffed and try to catch my breath, I feel like breathing become too hard.


With my slightly open eyes I can see many figures surrounded me, but because of my blurry vision I can't even tell who are they.


And that is the last thing I heard before passing out.


"Young master!...young master"

I heard Sky voice. But when I open my eyes what welcomed me was not my room ceiling but a beautiful night sky and stars. I see my surroundings and found my self laying above a flower field.

"Where am I? Sky?"

"Young master!" Then suddenly Sky popped out of nowhere and appears in front of my eyes.

"Sky where are we?"

"Wuuu...wuuu. I thought I lost you young master. Master has fainted and now we are inside your consciousness"

"What? I feel okay till recently so why am I suddenly sick?"

"I think I know the reason young master, it's because young master has too much mana in your body you can't control it even with me as a god level beast I can't help in suppressing you mana"

"What?! So what must I do? Will I die if I can't suppress my mana?"

"Yes, if young master can't control it then later your body will explode"

I froze and widened my eyes after what I have heard from Sky.

"Is there anything I can do? I don't want to die again. I don't care even if I live alone, the important thing is I will live my second life the fullest"

"There is but it will be quite tiring and troublesome" Sky look hesitant "we need to find 3 of my friends two of them are god level beast and the other one is a legendary level beast"

"Why do I need to find them?"

"Because with enough 4 high level beast beside you they can help you in suppressing your mana"

I stare at sky blankly "how long will it take for us to find the three of them?"

"A month? Because two of my friends they live not far away from this kingdom but for the last one he lives at the forbidden land"

The forbidden land

Reincarnated as the youngest archduke childWhere stories live. Discover now