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Today is going to be my first day as an official empire school student.

I stood in front of the one body mirror a bit longer and check my uniform for the third time before the clench both of my palm and said "you can do this Luviathan, finally you're going to have friends" I nod to my self confidently before I grab my books and left my dorm room.

"Good morning Luv!" I smile brightly when I saw Levi was waiting me in front of my room.

It's good that he was not some kind of obsessive brocon that when you woke up in the morning you could find him suddenly looking at you creepily beside your bed.

"Morning big brother" We walk away from our dorm while Levi ask about my schedule and how's mother and father doing.

I was quite surprised actually, I thought when the school knows that I'm Levi's twin they will try to match his schedule with mine.

But no, most of my class are not the same and I'm actually quite thankful for that.

"Good morning Levi! And good morning to you too Luv~" Levi groan when he heard that familiar voice while I sigh and smile at the tall red head in front of me.

"Good morning Delta, please don't provoke big brother this early" I said helplessly at the boy.

"Haha! No harm done Luv~ oh well let's see your schedule" Delta grab my time table from Levi's hand "oh! You have your first class with me! What a beautiful coincidence"

"What! How could this happen!" Levi said furiously "How can I leave my cute little twin alone with this shameless beast"

"Don't worry Lev! Sean is with me he will surely loves to take care of Luv" Delta said while he put his hand around Levi shoulder.

"I couldn't even leave him more to Sean! What will that stoic closet pervert do if he saw my cute little twin" I saw Levi look like he was done with all the shit he heard just now.

"Who is Sean?" I ask them, feeling curious about the boy they just mentioned.

"Seriously Luv, I hope you will never talk to him but. Sean is this beast childhood friend. He is the next heir of Hound duke household that hold the west gate territory. Don't be fooled by his face, he may be stoic and look like a gentleman. But believe me when I told you that he is a closet pervert" Levi said seriously while he stare at my eyes.

"Okay I guess" I'll try to listen to Levi, but I won't promise not to befriend the boy. One of my goal was to have many friends after all.

"Good boy" Levi pat my head while I pout at him because he just mess the hair I've been trying keep it tidy this morning.

"Come on Luv~ we're going to be late if we don't go now" Delta said.

"Okay, bye bye Lev!" I wave to Levi and follow Delta to our class.

"Don't you dare do anything to him you beast! And, good bye Luv! See you at lunch" I sigh and and nod before I walk faster, catching up after Delta.

"So I really want to ask this yesterday but...why suddenly go to school when you always stay at your house before?" Delta ask.

"Well I never go to school because my mom can't bear to separate with me and I'm quick at getting sick. But I'm bored" I whined "I love my mother but I feel like I could die of boredom with nothing to while I'm inside the house, and I also want to have many friends! Just like my brothers and sisters"

"Haha well lucky you, this handsome prince here is willing to be your friend. What do you say?" Delta grin brightly at me.

"Yay! I have a friend now!" Delta laugh at that and both of us enter our first class.

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