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Okay this is truly a confusing moment. Just a second ago she highly refused to make a contract, then she suddenly said that Sky is a kidnapper, now the three of us are back to the inn and sit above the bed.

"Well...are we going to make the contract now?" She said excitedly.

Well I forgot to tell you for a beast like Sky, a god level beast, they can freely made and cut off their contract whenever they want. But it's different for this white snake as she is only a legendary level beast.

The beast level is divided into 7 level:
1. God level beast
2. Celestial level beast
3. Legendary level beast
4. Saint level beast
5. Elite level beast
6. Rare level beast
7. Common level beast

"Are you really okay with that?" I said while fidgeting my small fingers nervously.

"Yup...yup, well actually I don't really hate all humans just some of them. So don't hesitate! Come on" she said excitedly.

I sigh deeply. I nod then we put the magic circles I have prepared on the floor. I slit my wrist a little and let my blood droop in the middle of the magic circle. The white snake also made a small cut and put the blood in the same place as mine.

The magic circle shine, and this is my cue to say the contract.

"No betrayal, keep safe, be loyal. I seal my contract with the white snow python by giving her Sylph as her name"

Then the same burn feeling when I make a contract with Sky appear but this time it's on my left hand.

And also I forgot to tell you what will shown after we make a contract with a beast is a tattoo that will appear in our body part. Sky tattoo is on my left shoulder, while Sylph tattoo is kinda long and wrap around my left hand.

Sylph suddenly climb to my shoulders and rub her head affectionately "UwU...my young master is too cute"

Hehe such a cute creature. Just when I about to touch Sylph head I feel a sharp pain on my chest.

"Young master!" Sky fly towards me who already crouching on the floor while clutches my chest. I can feel my breathing quickened and I feel its really hard to catch some air right now.

"Quickly Sylph take some of young master mana from his body! Don't be too rash. It will make him feel a really pain feeling if you do it rashly" Sky orders Sylph. Sylph nod and then suddenly I can feel like something was taken out of my body, but after that something was taken out I can feel that My body was much more better every time it's out.

Time pass slowly. After 1 hour of the process I can finally breath normally. But after that I catch a high fever.

"Rest young master...I hope tomorrow you will get well soon" Sky pull up my blanket. I feel so sleepy after all the process of taking out my mana. Then I fall a sleep.

3rd pov

The room fell into a peaceful silence after Luv fell asleep.

the two beast decided to stay on the room window and have a little chat.

"Well sorry for my late question, but how have you been Sylph?" Sky ask while looking at outside the window.

"Well I fell really bad after you leave that's why I decided to take a long sleep. But well what ever at least you're back here now"

Sky nod at her statement "so can you tell me now about our young master condition?"

"Well can't you tell after the whole process she have done?" Sky snorts at Sylph.

"Well I thought it will be another reason...but I never know that I finally be able to meet a human with that plenty amount of mana. What's more he is just a little kid" Sylph said in disbelief.

"Well the only thing we can do right now is keeping him away from the mana outburst...we will wait till his condition gets better. Then we will go to the jungle kingdom"

"Wah! Don't tell me we're going to meet with that old bastard who always stole my food!" Said Sylph furiously.

"Well you got it right to the point"


Sylph small form

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Sylph small form

Sylph small form

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Sylph real form.

Reincarnated as the youngest archduke childWhere stories live. Discover now