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"We're here young master"

Finally we arrived in front of the entrance of the underground cave. The entrance is not too big and actually it really fits my small body.

"Come on Sky, please guide me to her"

Sky nods and guide me through the way. When we enter more to the deeper part of the cave I can feel that the temperature is getting a little bit warmer. So I let go of Sky and let him fly in front of me.

"We're almost there young master. Just turn around this corner then-"

Suddenly an icicle just shoot pass through me and it scratch my cheek. Σ(T□T)

"Sky...what is happening?" I asked nervously.

"Don't tell me...ugh I think she is sleeping right now so she place an auto intruders defense spell around every corner"

"How do we get inside then?" Sky has fly back to my position so he won't suddenly trigger anything again.

"We'll take the easy way young master, just cancels her spells with yours"

He's right why didn't I think of that, how fool of me! "spell cancellation" and then the already quite cave becomes even more quieter suddenly.

Sky fly back forward and say that everything is save and we're good to go.

At the corner of the cave I can see a really big door that was created from a thin but strong ice standing sturdily in front of me.

Sky turn into his big form and push the door open. A very beautiful sight appear in front of me. Everything is made from ice. In the middle of the room I can see an ice altar and above it there is a white snakes sleeping peacefully while still emitting a really murderous aura.

"So what do we do now?" I ask Sky. More like whispering.

"Let me wake her up young master. But please I advice young master to keep a really big distance" I nod and look for a place where I can hide. I hide at one of the pillar that stood a little bit faraway from their location.

Then suddenly I heard a very loud screeching voice coming out from Sky. I close both of my ear immediately.

The snakes suddenly woke up and maybe because she is surprised she shoot many icicles at random place.

"Who is it! Who dares to enter my territory!" She sound really angry.

"You finally woke up! How long has it been since you left this room"

Sky stand proudly in front of the white snakes.

"It's you! You stupid red chicken! After all this hundreds years you still know how to come back!" The snakes said hissing in angry tone. Then suddenly she jump and wrap it self around sky body.

I thought she is going to attack Sky but then what happen after that makes me dumbfounded.

"Why did you just came by now! I'm so lonely here...wuwuwu red chicken is a mean guy" she said while rubbing her face on Sky neck.

"How many times I told you don't compare me to that lowly creature! And for your information I have a name now and my name is Sky!" He grab her by his beak and untangle her from his body.

"You have a name! Which human dares to slave you!!! Come bring me to that human I'll teach them a lesson so you can come back and accompanied me back" said the snake aggressively.

"No can do! I really like my master beside the reason why I come here is to ask for your cooperation"

The white snake suddenly stood silently and look into Sky eyes intensely "you want me to make a contract with a human? You're not kidding me right?"

I hear Sky sigh heavily "young master please come out. Come to me"

I peek out my head a little and I can see that the snakes immediately turn it's face to me. I run to Sky and hide under his big wings.

"This is my young master, his name is Luviathan
Xander Hades" I peeked from Sky wings |ω・') and see that the snakes is looking at me in...adoration??

"This...this little creature is your master? I don't believe it! don't tell me that you kidnapped this little guy! *gasp* you red chicken! Even though if I hate humans but cuteness will always be my justice!" She said proudly.

Sky sigh...again. While I'm still utterly shock and confused about, what the actual bunny has just happen! (◎_◎;)

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