1 Neko day 1

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Magic hit the world, but only some people were affected. I was one of those people. I was a normal guy. I have a family, a wife and a son. Luckily for me my wife Kendria is very nice and is a good woman. My son Thomas on the other hand, well he is about normal. The joys of having a teen son. I know that you could imagine what's that's like.

My wife Kendria loves her plants, always has. She also likes to take in strays. Stray cats to stray people she don't care, she just likes to help where she can. I have always supported her the best I could. We work well together, so when the magic hit I was not surprised how she handled it. Kendria is Kendria after all.

After the magic wave hit me I started to transform. Not in to anything bad, just smaller. That's what I thought in the beginning. Come to find out I was also growing a tail. Then my ears started to change, I had no clue what I was going to look like in the end. My wife stayed by my side the entire time I was changing. Trying to comfort me throw the pain and the not knowing what I would become. She held me almost the entire time. As I got smaller she took me in her lap and cradled me. Holding tight throw the worst times, and trying to get me to eat or drink when I could.

Come to find out I had turned in to a Neko. Part human part cat. And to top it all off I was only 3 feet tall in the end. It only took a night for the full transformation to be completed. But there I was in my wife's arms, a little Neko. I looked like a little kid in her arms. She had wrapped me in a blanket at some point in the night. I was 6'4" and 212 pounds before all this started but now all I knew was my wife of 5'6" was tall to me.

The jokes that both my wife and son would tell. There are just to many short jokes in the world. I was stuck like this and I couldn't do what I loved to do anymore. I used to love to go for long drives just me and the family. Now I get to sit in a car seat in the back. If I was any shorter then I would be in an infant car seat. The other problem was I couldn't wear any of my old clothes of course. So off to the toddler section at Walmart we go.

The first day after waking up.

I was wearing one of my old shirts and that was it. I had nothing else that would fit. I was just to small. Walking in to a store in a shirt that looked like I took it from my dad (Which I never had myself). It was almost dragging on the floor. Barefoot and a little cold we went in to the Walmart, Just me and my wife (thank god my son would have a field day with this). "Hunny there not going to fit your to small. And your way to skinny. You look like a toothpick. Were you this skinny when you were really this young?" My wife asked me as she pushes the cart to the toddler section. "Yes Hunny I was. My first real growth spurt wasn't until I was about 6 maybe 8. I can't remember really." First stop underwear. You would think that this store would have underwear that would fit a small kid. And they do just not as small as I was.

Being about 3 feet tall you would think I was about 3 or 4 years old. So the store would have at least training underwear but not for how small I was. Even the smallest pair I tried on just fell off. So the only thing that I could do was go to the baby section. There I was going to get something that would cover my naked butt. Pull-ups were to big so on to the diapers. I took a pampers size 4 to fit correctly. God I weighed less than 37 pounds now.

After getting a diaper on me (My wife had to do it I couldn't, I tried). We went back to the little kids section. We were able to find socks that fit (for the most part) and shirts. The pants were a deferent story. I was just to small around the waist. We ended up going back to the baby section to try some of those. But they were all to small. Being the practical person I was and still am I suggested we just get some pajamas for now. That way we could see if anything changes again. Maybe this is just temporary.

So here I am walking throw Walmart with a diaper on and footie pajamas that were only about 1/2 size to big. And a baseball cap, that was to hide the ears. On to the shoes and in my size too. Velcro Paw Patrol shoes (At least they're cute). Now I was almost all set. (Remember the part about not being able to drive anymore?) My wife made me pick out the car seat. (That sucked) But when our son was this small he had to have one, so safety first, I guess.

Because I was a writer being able to do my job was not a problem. Except for the size of my keyboard at home. So we picked up one of those small ones meant for travel. It was still a little big, but I could work with it. The sad part was instead of me being able to grab it, I had to ask my wife to do in. The shelf was over my head. This is going to take a lot of getting used to. Normally I was the one grabbing things down for hen. After we paid for everything and got back in the Jeep (Yes my wife loves her Jeep) we started to head home. Kendria looked at me and asked if I was hungry. And after all that walking I was. Even though near the end of the shopping I was riding in the cart. I had skipped breakfast so I was really hungry. We ended up going to a Shari's restaurant. One that we went to a lot. All the employees knew us there. Well they knew Kendria there. No one would recognized me anymore.

The waitress came by to take our order and asked about me. Luckily my wife was quick and just said that I was her new son that she was adopting. And luckily I was paying attention to her conversation with the waitresses. Otherwise it would have been a little embarrassing. But on cue I said "Um...mom can I have Pancakes please?" And on cue the waitress was so impressed about "What good manners you have for a 3 year old." I was about to correct her but the look I got from Kendria stopped me in my tracks. And I just put my head down like I was a shy little boy. Covering my face with my hat. This whole time my tail was twitching in my pajamas. It felt good on my back but it wanted to be free not cooped up.

Before the food came I had forgotten about my new ears and took the hat off. Putting it on the bench at my side. When the waitress came back she was setting the food down and she saw them. She looked at me pointed and said "Neko" I looked at her and said "What? No my name is not Neko." "No, what you are is a Neko and a cute one at that." That made me turn all red in an instant. I put my hands over my ears to cover them up. And tried to hide my face. I ended up sliding under the table to hide. She looked under the table and said "I'm sorry little one I didn't mean to scare you. It's ok I would never hurt you. I think your cute. Can you come out from under their please?" That's when she put her arms out to help me. I used her arms to help me get out and she picked me up and held me like a baby. I didn't have time to object to the treatment. So after she petted my head a little I asked her to put me down. She did of course but as she did she told my wife/mommy that I might need a change. And again I turned red, with embarrassment this time. I had no clue I had wet myself.

I looked around and luckily no one was near. I composed myself enough to say "Mommy, I think I need a change when we get home please. She scared the pee right out of me." Both of them laughed at that comment then the waitress left. I looked at Kendria and said "We needed to get out of here ASAP." "Why's that my little Neko. She seems ok with you. If its the wet thing I can take you in to the bathroom and change you real quick." My jaw dropped. She was going to treat me like a little kid. I am or at least was 5 years older then her. I guess now I'm only 5. This sucks. "I'll be fine until we get home, but I think we need to get our story straight before we come out again." After we were done eating my wife paid and we left. We got out to the Jeep and my wife had to help me in to the new car seat. (I hate being small). We finally made it home and I tried to help with the stuff we had bought. But once again I was small so only a little bet of help from me.

After getting everything in the house my wife looks at me and says something I never thought she would say to me. "Get up on the bed so I can change your butt." We both stood there staring at each other and laughed. But then I hopped up on the bed. (More like climbed, God I'm to short to get up on my own bed). I lay down and she does a quick change on me. She puts me in to a onesie instead of my footie's. I guess I leaked a little. So now anyone could see that I was in a diaper. At this point I didn't really care I had research to do.

I go to my computer and get my new keyboard setup. I go online and look up "Neko". Until now I had no clue what a "Neko" was. Come to find out in Japanese it meant cat. I looked more and more and what I found was odd. A Neko always was submissive, little, cute, and couldn't take care of themselves. Or they were a "Brat" but nothing in between.

Well I guess it's time to change that.

I started to write a new story about "Neko". A true story. My story. Yes I love to cuddle up to my wife. And I need her help with a lot of things. But I am not a submissive little cute...Ok I am little and I am cute too. But I am not a "Brat" and I am not submissive.

Being a Neko. Book 1Where stories live. Discover now