10 Neko day 15 Another school day

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It's been about a week since Blaze joined our family. We had a couple rough patches, but all in all its been good. He got that saddle I promised and it works very well. We have been practicing every day. Thomas can even ride him sort of. I'm the only one that is the right size, really. Blaze has started to love it when we go on trips with him. He loves to fly and now he gets to walk around town too. He scared people at first but now that he can talk to people it's not so bad. At first people thought he was a pet. And he would get upset about it. Now though people know that he is just a 15-year-old kid.

He has started school with Thomas, so tuff times there. A lot of people had to adjust to the world being deferent. A dragon going to school is just one more thing people now except as normal. They even tried to get me to go to school. I still do my writing but I also get called when the cops need help. My secret about being able to talk to other animals is out. Thomas's secret about knowing every language is also out for the most part. And me being there dad is also out, but only to Matt. All the kids thought that it was funny, me coming to school with Thomas 2 weeks ago. The teachers still can't believe it completely and have asked me to come back. They want to see me for themselves.

So that is what I was going to do. We now have an agreement with the local cops. If they needed us then just call. I let them know where I was going to be just in case. I also received something I thought was funny from them. I got a badge saying that I was a deputy. They thought that I needed one so I could go anywhere they thought I needed to go. Some people still only see a 5-year-old Neko kid. Others see me as a scary little devil cat-boy. Then there are some that think all magic needed to be destroyed no matter what form it came in. Those were the scary people to me.

Little did anyone know that I was the most magical person known so far. I still had a lot of secrets that no one knew about. Nobody knew how I shrunk Blaze down or if it was permanent. But all that aside I was not going to let others know what I could really do, if I could avoid it. Sweet and innocent (looking) little old me was not going to let anyone know the real truth. Being a writer and an avid reader gave me the upper hand with keeping this secret. So as normal when around anyone I am the nice little Neko.

I was setting ready for my second day at my son's school when Blaze came in. "Um dad are you going to take it to school today?" I look at Blaze "I don't think it would be a good idea kiddo." Thomas pop's his head in the room. "Full outfit today dad. Come on you will look so cool. Blaze is right." "Boys it's not aloud. No weapons on school grounds." "Dad you are a weapon." Blaze says, then Thomas said "Dad you have a badge now your aloud. Full leather and bring IT to. Come on if you get stopped then you can just leave IT at the office." "And what if we get called out in the middle of the day? We would have to fly all the way back here to get IT." Blaze finished. "I'm going to look..." Thomas stopped me and said. "You know that kid on Sword Art Online. That's how you will look like. If he was a 3-foot Neko. And everyone knows that show. And they all love it, so wear IT. And if you want take both, that would be better anyway." "I'm not even that good with both. I'm good enough with one but two? I don't think so. I'll do the leather and one. But that's it." "Are you going to take IT or the silver one?" Thomas asked "I'll take the silver one IT can stay home today. Now you two get out so I can get dressed." "Dad you know last time you were in a diaper. Should we put you in one this time too?" Thomas said with a big grin and a chuckle. "Not going to happen now get out boys."

They finally left and I got dressed. This day should be interesting to say the least. I got my full black leather outfit on with my black shirt underneath. I looked in the mirror attached to the back of the door. I looked like I was going to a costume party. I had my sword on my back. It was really a small one made just for me by a friend. My friend knew how to enchant the blade so it would never brake or go dull. It was a really cool sword. The other one was better but this one would do for almost anything. Kendria used it a couple days ago to take care of one of her um...problems. It works well for her too.

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