3 Kendria

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The magic hit and my husband turned in to a Neko. If that wasn't bad enough now, he looks like a kid. He's in diapers and all, what am I supposed to do about all this. I mean now he has all these abilities and stuff. But the changes were hard. I had to hold him all night due to the pain. Thank god me and our son didn't have to go throw that. But now my husband is a kid.

I love him and will support him no matter what. This is just a lot for me to take in right now. We just got back from the store picking up some stuff that he thought he would need. Being small he thought he would need stairs just to get up on the bed. Well come to find out he could jump over the Jeep if he wanted to. I put him down for a nap of all thing, just like a little kid. I needed some time to figure some of this out. So, I told him that I had forgotten something while we were out.

I drive down the road to one of the plant shops I go to just to look around. I know it's probably a bad idea to leave my husband alone. But I needed the time alone. When I got there, it was almost empty. Only 2 cars in the parking lot. I knew 1 of them was the owner. The other I had no clue about. I had never seen it there before.

I walk in and start to look around. I see that the owner was talking to someone at the counter. The guy looked a little scruffy but that's not new here. A lot of the people that come here were farmers and such. I kept walking around smelling the flowers. Looking at how beautiful they all were. Ever since the magic wave hit I had noted that the flowers were more...Well just more there to me. Almost like I not only could see what everyone else saw but I could feel them as well.

A sound from the counter caught me by surprise. It sounded like they were fight. Fighting about money or something. I kept walking around. I figured that he was upset about the price of something. Maybe some of his plants were priced wrong. I was trying to give them their privacy to do their business when I heard the man say. "Give me all of it now. I don't care I said all of it."

Nether one of them had seen me come it. And now I was behind a tall plant stand. I was about 15 feet away from them. I looked closer at the man when I saw a gun in his hand. I looked at Julie and saw the panic on her face. That's when I figured out that the man was robing the place. I got scared, then I got pissed. This was my store, the one I came to, to relax. A nice place with nice people. They let me look around without bugging me about buying thing. They helped me with my plants and I helped them with there's. These were good people; they didn't deserve to be robed by this guy or any other.

I was seeing red when I stepped around the planter. I had no clue what I was doing or what I was about to do ether. I walked up to the guy put my hand on his shoulder, spun him around and punched him in the face.

Now normally I'm a nice person. I don't go around hitting people. I normally talk to them to salve problems. I'm only about 5'6" and about 160 pounds, give or take. I look older than I am and I don't look that strong. But working hard all my life and mostly on cars made me stringer then most would think. But when I hit the guy he went flying across the room. Even I didn't think I could do that to anyone much less a guy about twice my size.

Unfortunately, he was not knocked out, and he still had his gun. He got up and pointed it at us. It was shaking in his hand but it was at us. "What the fuck was that? How did you do that? Your fucking dead bitch." That's when he fired his first shot. It missed me by about a foot.

That's when I really got mad. I was so mad I was starting to shake. Unknown to me, all the plants in the place started to shake at the same time. Julie saw everything that was happening. I starting walking towards the guy fists at my side. I was going to hurt this guy for upsetting Julie and for shouting at me. There was nothing I wanted more at that point in time then him to be gone.

Being a Neko. Book 1Where stories live. Discover now