12 Thomas Day 15 and 1/4 After School

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You know I was enjoying myself at the school concert. All the way up to when I saw Blaze take off with my dad on his back. All I could thank was "Moms going to kill me". I had no clue what was going on. Except they left me behind again. THIS SUCKS!!!

I know dad and Blaze can take care of themselves. But this again really. The first time it was them trying to get used to flying together. And seeing my dad jump off of Blaze in midair sort of scared me. Like a lot. Then the cops were called. And I had to play the mad big brother. I even got to lecture my dad in front of the cops that time. I have to admit that was cool.

But they keep leaving me behind. I mean I'm the one that took him to school with me. I'm the one that carried him around like a baby all day. I'm the one that changed his little but after gym class. Don't get me wrong I had fun. I mean I did get to show him off to my friends. And when he has to pretend that he's a little kid I enjoy out time together. I have never had some one that needed me before. I liked taking care of him.

I was able to hold him and cuddle with him in class. And I liked that. Not just because he was my dad. But because someone needed me. I felt important. I like being needed. And now this. He well they leave me to clean up the mess they leave behind. "Crap mom is going to kill me." Well they're not going home so I'm going to finish the show. Then I will go home and probably get killed by my mom. At least I will have some fun before I die.

So, I finished out the school day. And yes, a lot of people asked were my dad was. Well where my baby brother was. I kept having to tell them that he had to go home early. And that Blaze took him to keep the cover story intact. He was my baby brother that was also a Neko named Neko. God, we have to do better than that next time. A Neko named Neko I'm surprised everyone didn't see right throw that one. My parents had no imagination what so ever.

After my classes were done and all the excuses were made. And I got all of my homework and Blaze's makeup work. I headed home. I am so dead when I get home. They were gone for a couple of hours already. And there was nothing I could have done to stop them. Not only was Blaze a dragon. But my dad was this really powerful...well Neko. Claws, really fast, could jump over cars. Maybe even higher than that but he never showed me how high he could really jump. I wonder if he is bulletproof. I might have to ask him sometime. And then there is the glowing eyes. That only happens when he uses magic. O I almost forgot the magic he could use. Holly crap he was a superhero. And he's my dad. And little brother that wears diapers every night and sometimes during the day.

My 42-year-old dad that looks like a 4 and half year old Neko. My family is a strange one. And that is not including my mom. She is basically the good version of poison ivy from Batman. Almost all the things she can do and mom is not a bad person. So, I guess she is more like a forest helper. She can make plants grow and fight for her too. Well Crap My mom is a superhero. And my brother from another mother is a Dragon. Then there's me.

I'm not much Just a 15-year-old teen that can read every language out there. And so far, speak them all as well. Not much of a super power but I will take what I can get. I can talk to Blaze in his language. And as for school I'm better than my teacher. Maybe some bay I can use it to help people around the world. You never know tell you try. Maybe I could go and read all the dead languages that all the professor can't. Maybe, maybe, maybe. Some much out there and I'm stuck here watching my brother fly away with my dad on his back. THIS SUCKS

By the time I was done with my pity party I was home. "Mom I'm home." I go and put my stuff in my room. I put Blaze's stuff on his desk. Yes, my Dragon brother has a desk. Special made by dad. Well I can't complain too much about that he did make mine too. Dad is good that way, if we need something, he makes it or buys it for us. We never go without.

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