Character information and Prologue (Edited)

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(A/N) - First order exists, but Kylo Ren has overthrown Snoke, enlisted Vader's old apprentice, Starkiller, and you are trained by your father, Cal Kestis. He is also training another padawan at this time. Kylo Ren has also instated a new Inquisitorius unit.

Name: Y/N Schnee (Pre-Jedi), Y/N Kestis (Awakened Jedi)

Race: Human (I have nothing against the faunus, but I believe the concept of a 'heat cycle' could be a problem. I have NO experience with writing lemons.)

Age: 7 (Schnee), 15 (Training end), 16 (Beacon)

Looks: There's not much to say, you're basically a photocopy of Cal, but with Merrin's hair (Mix between gray and white).

Personality: Cautious, strategic, determined, caring, Head over heels in love with Syna, big believer in second chances, normally polite and caring (To everyone else), Cold and brutal (To his old family and most of their allies)

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Personality: Cautious, strategic, determined, caring, Head over heels in love with Syna, big believer in second chances, normally polite and caring (To everyone else), Cold and brutal (To his old family and most of their allies).

Likes: His parents, and their crew, BD units (BD-1 Included), Samantha (Sees her as more of a little sister to him), the force, making and collecting lightsabers, meditating, RBY, JNPR, CFVY, Syna.

Dislikes: Evil, the sith, CRDL, bullies, his old family, needless killing, innocents being punished for no reason, Syna's choice to join the sith, and the questions he has on how to change his future.

Love interest: Syna. Without doubt.

Force abilities: ...Almost all of them.

Special attacks:
- Ice age: Will use the force to alter the atoms around him to cause everything around him to freeze upon his will.
- Ultimatum: More of a low-risk, even reward kind of attack. Will take two lightsabers and throw them at a foe, before turning one off at random, either doing major damage, or stunning an enemy long enough to get a few blows in.
- Gravity crusher: Increase the force of gravity on a target several times over before dropping the surrounding debris on them.
- Varia song: A little something his mother taught him. Will have different effects depending on the environment.
- Enigma void: Gathers varying mass to his palm before launching it at his foes.

Lightsaber: Has many, but prefers to honor his father's memory by using his.

Known fact: You have a thing for lightsabers (and tech altogether) and delight in taking them from your opponents and making your own.


Name: Samantha Fox

Race: Fox faunus

Age: 6, 14, 15 (three months younger than you.)



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