Chapter 8: Dock Fight

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Y/N P.O.V.

Well maybe we were just tired of being pushed around!

Called it. She used to be White Fang.

We spent the day looking for Blake, trying to find her before she gets into trouble.

(Wraith) - I don't understand. How hard is it to find her in a town full of people without black hair?

We stopped off at the plaza after splitting off from the remainder of team RWBY for a lunch break. Marx got a taco, Wraith asked for a steak, which isn't too surprising, and I got some chicken and cheese taquitos. They're good. I like them.

(Y/N) - Well, in retrospect, her semblance could essentially be used to disguise herself. Or she could be leaving several clones around the city to throw us off. Her power's like the Force to an extent. It's multipurpose.

I suddenly get a vision of the future, involving numerous aspects. Blake is there, with another person, two more inquisitors talking with White Fang soldiers. The docks. She's going to be at the docks. I clutch my head as the vision foes on.

(Marx) - Master? Are you alright?

I look at them, and respond.

(Y/N) - Shut up, and eat. We've gotta get to the docks before nightfall. Blake's gonna be there. The White Fang are planning something, and there are a minimum of two inquisitors involved. Hell, the whole New Order may be involved. There are numerous things that I'm confused about right now, but there's no time.

Wraith digs back into his steak, Marx shoves a large bite of taco into his mouth, and I've got three of my eight taquitos left.


Timeskip: Night Location: Docks Y/N P.O.V.

Well... this didn't go as expected. Four inquisitors. Including the one who got his arm cut off.

They're discussing something with... Torchwick?! The White Fang's here, too.

(Wraith) - This bodes ill. We're outnumbered.

(Marx) - Four Inquisitors...

(Y/N) - ...We don't have too much to worry about. Two of these inquisitors have shiny armor. That shine is fresh, not polish. Kylo Ren was in a rush to get those two out to the battlefield. That, and Blake has a friend stationed with her, on the opposite side as our backup.

All of a sudden, Blake leaps from her perch, and puts her katana to Torchwick's neck. The Inquisitors approach, along with the white fang.

(Torchwick) - Didn't you get the memo? The New Order, the White Fang, and I are going on a business venture together.

(Blake) - Tell me what you're planning, or I'll put an end to your little operation.

A bullhead approaches... Galen Marek's flagship following it. She's in trouble. And Monkeyman isn't going to stand long, even against a fresh Inquisitors.

(Torchwick) - I wouldn't exactly call it a 'little' operation...

(Y/N) - Nevermind. We're HER backup.

I leap to the closest inquisitor - one of the freshies - and snap his neck, taking his saber as I land on my feet. 


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