Chapter 10: Aftermath

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Y/N P.O.V.

We sit on the edge of the rooftop, and drink our coffee. 

(Syna) - The Starkiller you killed... wasn't truly my Master.

...H-hold on... what?!

(Y/N) - I-i beg you pardon...?

(Syna) - He wanted to survive for a lot longer than originally intended. My Master has been comatose for three years now. He's come up with a contingency plan that ensured that he survived. He went back to Kamino, and paid the scientists there a massive sum of credits. He got a chip put in his head, and fifty others put in the each clone he had made.

(Y/N) - So... what I killed was... a clone? Not the real thing?

(Syna) - Yes. There were originally fifty made. What your father was doing on most of those times he left you alone for a day or two on Bogano or Kashyyyk? He was out there tracking down the clones, which my Master had named after his armor-

(Y/N) - The Sith Stalkers?

(Syna) - Yeah. Those lightsabers he brought back for you? Those were Master's trophies, which in essence your father repossessed for you. Anyway, out of the original fifty, only three remained at the time... at the time your father died...

(Y/N) - I... I can't blame you for that. You're only trying to make the best of the situation you were given. I don't believe you are the one who killed my father.

(Syna) - ...I don't hate all Jedi... If I had known that Cal Kestis was your father, he'd have been another exception.

(Y/N) -  'Another' exception?

(Syna) - You're the only Jedi I don't hold contempt for that I actually know...

...I can't let myself get distracted right now. Back to business.

(Y/N) - So... only two of the Sith Stalkers remain to serve as replacements to Galen Marek for the time being, correct?

(Syna) - Yeah. Only two more. You killed one of the three.

(Y/N) - What about the chips? The ones in the clones that connect to the original?

(Syna) - Those chips have special programming. Every time a clone dies, should the chip survive the killer, it makes two copies of the memories in the form of transferable data. One copy goes back to the original Starkiller, the other goes to the next clone.

(Y/N) - So... telling the next one what not to do in the next battle.

(Syna) - Yeah.

...We finished our coffee, and stand. Syna looks me in the eyes with a deep sorrow reflected in hers.

(Syna) - The boy, and the former inquisitor. Marx and Wraith, right?

(Y/N) - Yeah. Why?

(Syna) - I can tell they mean a lot to you. So please... do yourself a favor... Try your best to protect them. I never wanted to hurt you. I couldn't bear to see that same hurt, and scared boy on Kashyyyk again.

(Y/N) - Syna, that wasn't your fau-Mmm!

She grabs my head, and her lips crash onto mine, her tongue slipping through my lips, exploring every corner of my mouth. She pulls away, and as my shell-shocked body struggles to breathe, she says something.

(Syna) - I've wanted to do that for so long... I'm sorry.

She turns away, and runs off, leaping from the rooftop, and disappearing into the crowd. I can only look on and think, as I descend to the streets, and make my way back to Beacon. She's still in pain... she's still sad...

I don't want her to be sad.

I eventually make it to my dorm, where Marx, Wraith, Teams RWBY and JNPR, and Sun are waiting on me.

(Yang) - Hey, there you are!

(Nora) - We were wondering where you ran off to! 

They take note of the somber expression on my face, and seem to simmer down a bit.

(Marx) - Master? Are you alright?

I look past all of them at the Dathomiri Zabrak, trying desperately to prepare for what comes next.

(Y/N) - Wraith... We need to talk...


637 words. Shorter than usual, but not too bad. This marks the first official end of one of my books. Don't worry, the overall story will still go on, I'm not giving up on this yet, not when the original owner gave me the grand honor of rewriting it. I'm just going to be finishing up a few of my other drafts, and making more progress on some more of my stories before getting back to this in the Volume 2 part of the story.

Please be patient. With any luck, and if all goes according to plan, I should be back on with the next installment of this story, and another new story either before or during mid-June.

Either way, I hope you enjoyed this book, and I hope you're excited for the next one. I hope I'm not torturing you all too much with where I've left it off, but I feel satisfied, knowing that I actually completed one of my books. There will be another part of this story on my Wattpad account before 2021, but in the meantime, this book is finished. I will post an author's note on one of my other stories when I'm preparing to start The Grey Jedi (Recontinued) Volume 2.

Until then, Adagium Subjugate, signing off. 

Thank you for supporting my work with my stories, and may the force be with you.

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