Chapter 7: Conflict, and Chaos

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Y/N P.O.V.

I stand in front of my childhood friend. For one time in my life since meeting my real parents, I have no words. I don't have an opinion to voice right now. I'm just happy to see that she's okay.

(Syna) - You managed to kill two inquisitors on your own. Well done.

(Y/N) - Would've made it three, but I felt like sending a message.

(Syna) - You sure have gotten violent since I last saw you...

(Y/N) - You ordered the murder of an innocent man. You tried to kidnap an innocent child. I was forced to deal with a rather unhappy 'family reunion'. I'm not necessarily feeling like the nicest of people right now.

(Syna) - You met with the Schnees?!

(Y/N) - I can handle them. I'm too busy trying to figure out what the hell went wrong.

(Syna) - Wrong with what?

(Y/N) - With you. You never told me you were force-sensitive! You could have come with me! We could have helped you!

(Syna) - I couldn't be helped! I was supposed to become a Sith from the very beginning!

(Y/N) - Are you really playing that card?!

(Syna) - What card?!

(Y/N) - The 'it's my fate/destiny' bullshit! IT MAKES NO SENSE! It's a concept that's all too easily redefined! But if that's what you believe in, then your so-called 'destiny' is going to be rather short.

(Syna) - You couldn't kill me. Even if you wanted to.

(Y/N) - You're right, I couldn't. But your 'Master' or 'Supreme Leader' would.

(Syna) - ...Wh-what?

(Y/N) - You ARE aware of Darth Bane's 'rule of two', right?

(Syna) - Y-yes...

She has a shocked expression on her face. Good. I got to her.

(Y/N) - Then you realize that either your Master or Kylo Ren himself could, and would kill you, if you slipped up too badly?

(Syna) - ...

She's regained her composure.

(Syna) - I'll work that out when the time comes. Right now, MY top priority is turning you to our side. To my side.

(Y/N) - ...Then you have already lost.

She holds out her hand. 

(Syna) - Please! Let's fight together! Fight in the name of the New Order together! Please...

(Y/N) - No. 

(Syna) - Wh-what...?

She looks shocked. Hurt even. But I will not turn.

(Y/N) - You helped Starkiller MURDER my father. You threw him off his guard, while Starkiller struck the final blow. You were my pillar of support. You were one of the only people I could trust! I will NOT desecrate my father's memory by allying myself with the person who KILLED HIM!

I've knocked her speechless. I've got to make my point clear.

(Y/N) - I still believe in you. But I suppose it's pointless.

I can't hold back the tears any longer. The droplets roll down my face, and onto the ground.

(Y/N) - You hate the Jedi... So you must hate me, too... Just... Keep what I said in mind, and watch your back, Sy. 'Cause Marek would kill ANYONE to fulfill his motives... Even an innocent child...

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