Chapter 1: Explanations and Reunions

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Ozpin P.O.V.

(Y/N) - There was no war... Only a slaughter...

What did he mean by that?

All of us are in my office, Teams RWBY and JNPR stand before me, with Glynda at my side. It appears I have some explaining to do. I do know something that they do not.

(Ozpin) - Miss Schnee, you said that your brother had frozen you and your father in place when he escaped?

(Weiss) - Yes. I could only assume it was his semblance.

(Ozpin) - Well your assumption was wrong. That wasn't his semblance.

Everyone in the room looks at me with a confused look. Understandable, given I haven't told them yet.

(Yang) - Well, if it wasn't his semblance, then what was it?

(Ruby) - Yeah, it can't really be magic.

(Ozpin) - ...Tell me, have any of you ever heard of the Jedi Order?

They look at me confused.

(Blake) - That group of people of varying alien species that fought in space for truth and justice with laser swords and some kind of life magic?

(Jaune) - Wasn't that just a fairy tale?

(Ozpin) - ...I've been around a lot longer than you would think. It's not a fairy tale. I've even met several Jedi from the order.

They look at me in shock.

(Ozpin) - Miss Schnee, your brother is a force-sensitive: a child who is unnaturally attuned to the force - Or as Miss Belladonna so bluntly put it: life magic. The force is in all living things, and surrounds them - us included. Your little brother is capable of using this force to do unnatural things to aid him in battle, and he's the first force-sensitive child in several decades to be born on this planet.

(Nora) - Sounds exciting! What kinds of things?

(Ozpin) - Telekinesis, and advanced precognition, for two things, but those are of the most basic of force abilities. For all I know, the Jedi hid more things than they needed to from me. The council used to be in contact with the order, but communications with them were cut off fifty-sixty years ago. We had assumed that it was a declaration of war, but we haven't gotten anything in a long time. I can only wonder why...

(Y/N) - I'm sorry, maybe I should have elaborated further with what I said.


Y/N P.O.V.

They look at me with a shocked look. Understandable, given that I inexplicably left a room that was locked.

(Ozpin) - How'd you get out of there?!

(Y/N) - Telekinesis versus a three-tumbler combination lock. You used a lock made for gym practice on a Jedi, Ozpin.

They look at me expecting more. More WHAT?

(Pyrrha) - That's it?

(Y/N) - What, you expect me to tell someone - Whom I don't know - my other strengths, abilities, and weaknesses? I didn't come back to make friends, hell, I came back to HIDE!

(Ren) - What do you mean 'hide'?

(Ozpin) - Enough. Now, what did you mean by 'there was only a slaughter'?

(Y/N) - ...Have you ever been to Coruscant, Ozpin?

(Ozpin) - Yes, once. Wild, yet relatively peaceful place. The place where the original Jedi temple had been built. Why?

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