Chapter 3: Ties That Bind.

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Previously on The Grey Jedi, Wraith Yozdis, the former Sixth Brother inquisitor, has confronted his former master to defend the incapacitated Grey Jedi, Y/N Kestis from the grips of death. Will The Grey Jedi rise again? And will Wraith's fall from grace remain permanent? What happened to Syna to complete her fall to the dark side? Find out in the next chapters!


Wraith P.O.V.

Starkiller rushes towards me with killing intent. I raise my saber to defend, and block his attack. He leads with another downward slash, and I manage to block it. We keep trading blows, and I notice that Lady Roseland is doing nothing about me fighting her master. That, and He hasn't used any force-based abilities... what is happening?


Y/N P.O.V.

He's not using any Force. It's not even a HE at all. I slowly get up, and use the Force to take the lightsaber from the imposter's hand, 

and use the Force again to pick up one of the Atlesian airships, and drop it on the imposter

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and use the Force again to pick up one of the Atlesian airships, and drop it on the imposter. It's disguise breaks, as it is revealed to be one of Starkiller's PROXYdroids.

(Wraith) - What?!

(PROXY.) - H-h-h-h-ho-ho-how.....?

(Y/N) - Your lack of attunement to the Force gave you away. As did the lack of 'trophies' on the original's belt.

I ignite the stolen saber's red blade, and cut off the holodroid's head, effectively deactivating it. I stare at the saber for a moment, lost in thought.

(Y/N) - Feeble. Not even worth deeming a trophy with how simple that was.

(Wraith) - ...What was that all about? If you're going to kill a force-sensitive, send an inquisitor.

(Y/N) - Well if he sent one of his 'proxies', then he obviously didn't believe we were worth the trouble.

(Wraith) - How did you even know it was a holodroid?

(Y/N) - I didn't.

(Wraith) - ...What?

The majority of the students who were in the original crowd had fled into the buildings the moment the former inquisitor arrived. Those who still remained were just teams RWBY, JNPR, CFVY, and Winter herself.

(Y/N) - I didn't know it was a proxy. I just took a gamble based on the information I was provided, and telegraphed my attack. It became immediately obvious that it was a holodroid, simply because the original would have used the Force to prevent me from launching my... assault.

(Wraith) - Interesting... Maybe I should take a leaf out of your book.

(Y/N) - Take the leaf labeled: 'know thy enemy'. May save your life.

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