Chapter 4: Force of Wills.

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Syna P.O.V.

I wake up, feeling slightly groggy after my encounter with Y/N. I'm aboard an imperial cruiser, accompanied by a medical droid giving me another once-over, and the Third brother. He's missing an arm, and his pride.

(Syna) - What happened? I have to know what happened.

(Third Brother) - Lady Roseland, Master Alumni is dead, but his child survived, and was taken into custody by the traitor, and the Jedi. Seven and Four are dead.

The child... was taken? Seven and Four, dead? This isn't how it was supposed to go...




Y/N P.O.V. Location: Star Destroyer Crash Site

I've made it to the crash site, and I'm looking for Wraith.

(Y/N) - Wraith? Wraith? Talk to me, please?!

(Wraith) - I've got problems on my end!

(Y/N) - Define 'problems'!

(Wraith) - Three inquisitors, and a battalion of Purge Troopers. Child is unsecured, and the small crowd from the school followed me here!

(Ruby) - Y/N, What's going on?! Who are these angry people?!

A battalion of purge troopers, and three inquisitors. This is bad. The comms drop, and BD-1 starts leading me towards a signal ten seconds later. I reach the crashed destroyer where the signal is coming from, and go inside. They're here. I can feel their presence. Wait. What's that sound?

(???) - *Sniffle, sob*

(Y/N) - Kid? Kid, are you okay?

(???) - Aaahhh!

(Y/N) - Hey, shh!! Shh shh shh... It's okay, I'm not an inquisitor, look at my saber.

I pull Azure Dominicide from my belt and ignite one of the blue blades. (A/N: for reference, visit ch.2)

(Y/N) - I'm not an inquisitor. I'm a Jedi. Your name is Marx, right?

(Marx) - *nods*

(Y/N) - I understand what you're going through. Your family is dead, and you're scared. Alone. And you have every right to be, but for right now...

I deactivate the blade on my A.D., putting it back, and pull my Fallen saber from my belt and hand it to him. He takes it gingerly.

(Y/N) - ...I'm gonna need you to push that fear, deep, deep down, because it's not just your life that's at stake anymore. I'll let you know when I'm going to need that back, but for the time being, just try to get yourself outta here. Do you understand droid jargon?

He nods. Good. Unless there's more soldiers on the way, my job just got easier.

(Y/N) - Okay, Marx. This- *Motions to BD-1* -is BD-1. He'll direct you to a place called Beacon Academy. Once you're there, go inside the school, and find dorm #704. Second floor. BD-1 will get you in. Don't open the door for anyone that you don't recognize on the cameras. Understand? Just watch the cameras. Don't touch anything, K?

He nods, as BD-1 jumps from my shoulder and onto the kid's back as he crawls from his hidey-hole.

(Y/N) - You see anybody in black or white armor, you run and hide, got it? Please don't use that- *motions to the saber he was allowed to borrow.* -Unless you absolutely have to, understand?

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