Part 9 Confession 1

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Somethings are bound to end one way or the other. With Tony's history of misusing and abusing his partners trust, Paula was tied between a rock and a hard place, she first made her confession to her fiance, it wasn't a smooth road, but honesty was her policy. An entire nine months of being unfaithful to a man who she will be spending the rest of her life with. She realized she didn't love or hate Tony, getting rid of him was her challenge as he preyed on her weakness. His last visit was her breaking point.

He kept calling her, but she refused to respond. A few days went by she kept her composure, in a local store getting items when she turned around Tony, was behind her. He kept smiling "where's your common courtesy to say hi, good day etc?" Paula said to him. He kept smiling, she walked away and then she saw Tony's current girlfriend Whitney. Realized that was his main reason for the smiles without a word, but how stupid of him. Although she was in the process of getting rid of Tony, she didn't expect him to behave stupid when they saw each other.

About fifteen minutes passed Paula, sent Tony an email "When you were lost between my legs with your tongue, you shouldn't have spoken to me then." She didn't get a response. Less than twenty four hours later his calls resumed, Paula gracefully declined each and everyone. This happened over several days and she ignored him. This was her cue to get him out her system for good. November 27, was Whitney's friend birthday lunch, Tony resumed him calls after dropping her off.

She ignored him, he started sending messages "kiss my ass" she responded. Several additional call, but her feisty side evolved "Bitch just leave me the fuck alone, for good. No more pop up visits to my house uninvited, if so I'll have to ask your woman to control the punk he calls a man." One after the other she expressed her feelings, but they fell on deaf ears. When she looked outside Tony, was parked in front her house. She ignored him and refused to entertain any future interactions. He started messaging her one message after another.

"I know I hurt u multiple times. I know you hate me. I know each time we interact u feel disappointed in yourself and I think that fuels your hate for me." He apologized and expressed how sorry he was for being selfish. She begged him to leave her alone and he needs to learn how to be faithful to his current partner. "I'll leave u alone just promise me you won't expose me for who I am." Was Tony's words to Paula. His calls didn't stop and she though of ways to make him stop. Paula decided to send Whitney a vague message as it would push him to stay away from her. It was a success, but it spiraled out of control. She acted without thinking.

Life has been easy for Paula, but her biggest challenge was keeping a secret, a young woman who's originally from the country side, owning little more than a dangerous and troublesome past, she's an alluring mystery.

A week went by after a vaguely short message was sent to Whitney, she reached out to Paula as she wanted to hear the truth about what's been happening between Paula and Tony. A side of her many didn't know unless you were very close to her.

From her heart she spoke poetry, as she got what she needed peace from Tony which she received, Whitney asked for the truth, but Paula refused because she knew what hurt felt like and she had a lot of regrets and a part to play in the affair. "We all deserve forgiveness and a second chance" was Paula's words, Tony begged her not to show him for who he truly was and that was the last thing she would've done for him.

How disappointing it is to leave a woman blinded in a relationship that is far from healthy with nothing but lies? But that was something for her to find out on her own timing, it may sound selfish and unreasonable but she kept quite for the greater good, Tony asked for his last request and she granted it.

Her new chapter awaits, she was about to claim what was hers or maybe not!

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2020 ⏰

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