15. Where you wanna go

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Having everyone in the dorm aware of the relationships of each other didn't bring any significant changes. It didn't mean that know they would display their relationships openly; it was still a bit awkward.

Jooheon was still weirded out too. They were all used to being close, using cheesy names, and being clingy, but knowing why Kihyun didn't push Hoseok away as he did with the others when they back hugged him, and knowing that Hyunwoo and Changkyun were not uncomfortably looking at each other but actually communicating in their own special way.. it was a lot to take in yet.

Besides, he now understood why Hyungwon seemed anxious everytime he caught them hugging or just calling each other names. His father was a good man, but if he knew that Hyungwon's friends were couples and they were living with him this way, he probably would do anything to get Hyungwon out of the group. Of course none of them wanted that, but until they got their first win, Hyungwon was under his fathers' will.

Minhyuk, on the other side, seemed to be the only one unhappy with how things were at the dorms.

"Changkyun, if I had someone like Hyunwoo in love with me I would be all over him all day, you don't pay him enough attention, and this could damage your relationship."

Secretly, Changkyun loved that Minhyuk was pushing them to act as couples at the dorms.

"Hyung, are you sure is not cause you want to have Jooheon hyung for yourself?" he joked holding the bowl of popcorn waiting for Minhyuk to pour more caramel popcorn into it.

It was Friday night, and they had free until Monday morning after two heavy weeks of work, then they would be working even harder for a whole week before management let them go to their families for a few days. They all had agreed to finally watch a drama Hoseok had been asking them to watch with him, they decided to have a marathon and sleep the rest of the weekend off— and even if Kihyun had the biggest room and bed in which probably all seven of them could fit, they were watching it the living room, because they still got an instinct of survival and couldn't promise they were not going to spill anything on Kihyun's bed or carpet.

Changkyun and Minhyuk were—unwisely— put on charge of the snacks, while Kihyun and Hoseok were out to bring something to eat and drink, and the other three set up the TV and arranged were they would be sleeping.

"Don't try to change the topic, kkukkungie. I know you two are busy, I am an idol too, and I do read the schedules Hyunwoo prints so we know were each other is. But, you're always around Jooheon cause you're the rappers, and no this is not about him. I think you should spend this weekend as close as you can to Hyunwoo."

"Okay," he gave in, Minhyuk was right anyway. "I'll sit next to him.."

Changkyun didn't know why he felt so shy around Hyunwoo when the others were there too. Because now they were aware of their relationship and he felt pressured to act like boyfriends.

"Good. Shall we use different bowls or mix them up?" he wondered opening the bag with chili popcorn.

"Don't you dare," Hyungwon walked in just before Changkyun could give an evil laugh and hide some of those popcorn into the butter popcorn's bowl.

"Hyung, you won't even eat them," Changkyun whined handing the older two different bags of chips. "We got you these."

Hyungwon seemed impressed, then took the bags, and made a gesture to allow his group mates to continue with their duty.

"Put some of them on this side, I will turn the bowl without Hyunwoo hyung noticing and he'll eat a lot of them," Changkyun continued.

Back in the living room Jooheon was happily resting on his belly on the bedding on the floor, behind him on the one-person couch Hyungwon was already and slowly enjoying his chips, and finally Hyunwoo was trying to put the drama on the screen in front of them.

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