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Yes, this is the end! This chapter didn't quite turn out the way I wanted it to, but I still think it got the message across. 


It was weird being back in this house after four years.

                I mean, it still smelled the same, at least. The décor of the inside was different, more up-to-date, but my room had stayed the same from where I left it before I went to college… but now I was back. After I graduated from college, I headed back home, bought an apartment, and now I’m packing up all my stuff to move.

                All the memories of high school and before were coming back. I looked at my bed where Noah and I had spent countless of nights watching movies and in the months after high school graduated, kisses had happened. On my desk there was a picture of Allyson and I, who had just recently gotten a job as a kindergarten teacher. Along with her successes, Brenden was still in the force and served his country well. Sam was still sticking around home but had moved out a few years ago. As for Noah? I don’t even know what he’s doing right now.

                College served me well. I know I grew up and made a few friends along the way, but none of them compared to those I meant back here. It is nice having a world of experience under my belt though, and now I can do whatever job I want, granted that it is within my range of work.

                I lifted up my pillows and breathed deeply into them, smelling faintly of Noah. It was an interesting aroma since I hadn’t seen him in such a long time.

                I continued packing up my room, starting with my bookshelf, moving to my closet and bed stuff. When I went onto my desk, I stumbled upon a little box and I couldn’t stop staring at it.

                It was the box. The one from the bet that I had nearly forgotten about. It seemed so little, insignificant and childish now. I guess it was worth it, Noah and I were able to test out a relationship despite everything that had happened.

                Hesitantly, I opened up the box and was not surprised to find a sheet of paper. I knew exactly what it was—the letter I wrote to Holly.

                It was still hard thinking about her passing, but I knew that she had accomplished everything she dreamed of doing in her short time here. I’m just proud to have known her and to have experienced who she was both during her time alive and after.

                I opened it up, while faintly hearing the door open from door stairs and excited chatting from my mom and whoever walked in, took a deep breath and began on the first line.

                Dear Holly,

Writing this letter is hard but speaking is even harder. I have so much to say to you but also nothing at all. You know everything now. You know even more than me, probably. Honestly, I know you do because I know absolutely nothing.

You’ve always been that one person who I looked up to. Who cares that you’re years younger than me? You experienced more than I probably ever will. I’ve always admired you, but I guess you know that. Your perseverance, kindness, and strength make you a force to be reckoned with. I cannot express how sad I am that you’re gone.

I never realized just how much of an impact you had. You helped influence my character, made me that one to fight back, but also gave that touch of gentleness that you possessed. I couldn’t help but wish that I would, somehow, end up as good of a person that you are.

But I guess the biggest influence you had was on Noah and I. Yes, I know that you know—you seem to always find out things like this. Hell, you knew before I knew myself.

And with that, I want to thank you for everything

Briefly, I could hear the door to my room open behind me but I didn’t turn around because I was too engrossed in my words.

Thank you for pushing me to work for things.

I heard light footsteps start in my direction.

Thank you for becoming my role model.

They grew closer now.

Thank you for bringing light to everything.


Thank you for bringing Noah and I together.

He turned me around and looked down at me with the eyes that I’ve missed for such a long time now.

But most of all, thank you for being you.

“Noah,” I breathed out. “I thought you were still at training.”

Noah had been at professional soccer training in another country for months now. That made for no contact at all due to the huge prices that I couldn’t pay.

“I had to come back for a certain girl.”

You gave me Noah, you made me realize that I love and can’t live without him. Because of you, we’re together.

I jumped up and wrapped my arms around him tightly, now breathing in the scent of the real Noah.

“I love you,” I whispered into his ear.

“Ehh, I know,” he smirked, but I knew that joking tone in his voice that hadn’t changed in the past four years.

Thank you for everything, Holly. I promise to make him happy.

Love, Melody.

And there you go! The ending to Playing His Little Game. Because so many of you voted for the soul mate story to be next, the first chapter is already posted under The Theory of Affinity. And who knows... if it gets a lot of views, I might (I will) post a few extra chapters of this in Noah's Point of View. So if you want those, just check The Theory of Affinity out and comment saying which part of the story you would like seeing in Noah's eyes.

Thanks again for everything and for sticking with me despite my awful, busy schedule. I really do love you all and am so thankful for all that you do. Hope to see you over at my next story!  

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