08 - Eavesdropping

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First of all, I'm SO SO SOOOOOO sorry about the long wait! I'm on two soccer teams, working, in 3 AP classes and I barely have enough time to even get homework done. In November I should be less busy and hopefully updates come out faster :)

Also, I'm sorry that this isn't the most exciting chapter... It just needed to be here because it has a lot of important information for later on in the story!


I stared at the flyer on the wall as if it had grown a cat on it. With a groan, I had to resist actually slamming my head into the wall.

“Ooh! Spring Fling is coming up!” Allyson said as she came up with a bright smile.

Of course she’d love Spring Fling; everyone did except me. I didn’t like having to dress up. I didn’t like having to half-ass a date with someone. I didn’t like spending money, period. But yet Noah always dragged me to these horrible dances that I never wanted to go to mostly because he’d just want a ride home after getting wasted there.

“It’s a masquerade!” Allyson bellowed in her loud voice.

I rolled my eyes, “how fucking original.

“Shut your yap,” she slapped my arm. “It may be overused, but it’s a fun idea.” She paused and stared at me for a moment. “You can also get a few more guys marked off your list, if you know what I mean…”

That made me perk up. This past week I’ve gotten some guys done with. One of those guys being one of the nerdiest kids in the school. It was almost too easy. I just asked him to help me with some AP homework in the library and bing, bang, boom. My lips were on his chapped ones.

Then I awkwardly left because he was staring at me like I was crazy.

But I guess if you’re in a bet with your best friend and you have to kiss dozens of guys, I am kind of crazy.

“So are you going to go?” She asked me, practically hopping up and down.

“Maybe,” I pointed to the date on the flyer. “It’s in a few weeks, I’ll decide by then, I promise.”

I stepped away from the flyer and started walking down the hallway with Allyson while she talked on and on. The girl couldn’t shut her lips. Finally when she was talking about how she’s trying to train her dog, I couldn’t take it anymore.

“Allyson,” I interrupted. “You should introduce your upper lip to your lower lip sometime and shut the fuck up for once.”

She eyed me. “Maybe you should do the same, Melody. Your lips are always open and tonguing some guy.”

I glared at my so-called best friend and said, “touché.”

We walked until I reached my locker and when I was getting my books, Allyson bumped my shoulder. “Look over there,” she nodded and I snuck a peek.

There was Noah and Emma. She looked uninterested while he did all the talking. I rolled my eyes and stifled a laugh. This was going to be easier than breathing.

The whole ‘it may be her’ thing is a bunch of crap. It’s completely and totally Emma. That’s the girl who he’s going to use for the bet.

But then something changed. Noah said something and after a moment of trying to stop, she failed and burst out laughing. My best friend smirked then, realizing that he semi-broke through her tough exterior.

That made my stomach drop. He was one step closer to his goal. To be honest, I expected Emma to be as tough as a boulder and never once let him through but she just did. Knowing Noah he could break her down even more and then win this bet and I’ll have to dance in my underwear—

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