21 - Leaving

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Yes, an update! And my finals are finally over which means more time for writing! 

Anyways, I hope you liked this chapter and even though i told you guys not to get too cocky with figuring out the whole bet thing, you all did. So let's just see what you think now after this chapter :)


I shot up and out of his grasp. My whole body turned cold and it wasn’t just because I wasn’t covered by anything. I pulled the sheets up to cover my chest as I turned to look at him. His was still on his side, parts of his hair stuck to his face from sweat. I followed my eyes down his body to where his waist met with the blankets and I had to look away, my face burning.

               What? It’s not anything that you hadn’t seen twenty minutes ago.

               “What do you mean?” I whispered.

               “Isn’t it obvious? I won the bet.”

               My eyes widened. “What? No you didn’t!”

               He smirked. “Oh, yes I did. You said I love you. The rules said that I just need that and I win.”

               I glared at him, now my surprise turned to anger. “Brenden told me that the girl was Emma! Why would you spend all your time dealing with that witch if she wasn’t even the girl—“

               He put a finger to my lips. “Mel, I put both of your names in the box so he was telling the truth.”

               I felt like a bomb was dropped right on me. I stared at him in disbelief as I began to feel sick to my stomach, but he just continued on.

               “I figured that just one girl would be too easy. I had Emma in first, yeah, but then I was like ‘hmm… why don’t we make things interesting?’ I figured that you had feelings for me, I’ve liked you for awhile, and this would make things actually happen—“

               “So you used this bet to manipulate my feelings,” I spoke in a monotone, anger coursed through my veins.

               He made a face, “Now that sounds bad—“

               “Because it is!” I blew up. “Couldn’t you have been a normal person and let me figure out my feelings instead of using another girl to make me realize them? I can’t believe you did that, Noah! And you used both Emma and I to win the bet. I was doubly confused with the bet and you and Sam... I’m still not sure of everything!”

               “You’re sure that you love me.”

               I turned red and looked down. It’s funny how I can blush from that but not from the fact that I was currently sitting naked on my best friend’s bed after having sex.

               “Don’t change the subject, Noah.”

               He leaned closer, making the sheet across his body rest very low on his hips. I kept my eyes on his though, knowing that if I looked down once, I would lose this argument.

               “Mel, come on. It’s just a little joke—“

           “This isn’t little—“                                                                               

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