20 - Finishing

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I've been waiting to write this chapter since I began this story, and i'm pretty pleased with how it came out. Now, there isn't much left with this story but still a lot of stuff is going to happen before it ends!

PS we reached 200,000 views! Thank you SO much for everything, guys :) I uploaded this early so no month long waiting either! 


The bet has been going on for months.

               Months of kissing guys, of watching Noah flirt with Emma, and slowly ruining my reputation. Tonight, all that would end and I’ll be driving away with a new car. I couldn’t decide whether I wanted to kiss Noah at the dance or at his house tonight. It would just depend if I could find a moment here or not.

               I walked through the crowds of people looking around, but didn’t realize until a second later than I was searching for Sam. I took a deep breath and reminded myself that he was gone. I could talk to him tomorrow, and hopefully by then he would be calmed down. I needed to know why he was so mad at me all of a sudden.

               I didn’t see anyone that I really wanted to talk to, so I just went to the side of the room where others were talking among themselves, mainly freshmen. I just leaned against the wall and watched all the others having fun.

               Tonight I would be kissing Noah. How would it go down? If I kissed him, would he kiss back or just be surprised? Would it be longer than a second? Would it make things awkward after that?

               I was so wound up by questions that I didn’t even notice Holly running up next to me, face flushed, and a big smile. “Melody!” She yelled and I stood up straighter. “Come dance with us!”

               “Are you sure? I don’t want to be that loser without the date interrupting everyone’s fun…” I messed with my fingers.

               She laughed and grabbed my hand, pulling me into the group to where she, Aaron, Noah, and Emma were. I danced until I felt the sweat dripping down the back of my neck. My breath was coming out in huffs, and long chuckles filled the sounds coming out of me.

Holly was bright, but I could tell she was really tired. Her eyes twinkled as she looked at Aaron, it made me smile, especially when I saw how he looked at her back. He was in remission, so his hair was slowly growing back. When looking at the two of them, of course the sickness was the root of their bodies, but they looked adorable and strong. Two young kids fighting for their lives and spending their time together, it made me feel like I’ve done nothing with my life when all they’ve done is fight for theirs.

I felt Noah’s eyes on me when I was dancing. It wasn’t the typical grinding that everyone else was doing. This was fun, carefree, and wild. I wasn’t showing off for anyone now, or trying to get the bet over with. Noah knew who I was, and that I wasn’t completely that person. I could act like myself in front of him without any regrets.

When a slow song came on, I awkwardly excused myself from them as everyone grabbed their dates. I wondered that if Sam were here, would I be dancing with him? I looked out to where the others were and I saw Holly and Aaron all wrapped up with each other. They deserved each other, and although I haven’t met him before today, Aaron was great with Holly. He was someone she could look up to, and know that there is hope for getting better.

Then I looked at Noah and Emma. She leaned forward, whispering something in his ear and then pulled away, a shy smile on her face. Noah’s eyebrows went up in surprise as he leaned in and connected his lips to hers. I had to look away as I felt my body heating up, but the room wasn’t hot on the sidelines.

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