The Happy Hotel

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I took a startled step back, tripping over the curb and falling on my ass straight into a puddle. The stranger snorted with laughter before going on his way. Sighing, I pulled my sodden self out of the mucky water to my feet. Wet, cold and alone, I shuffled down the sidewalk, avoiding everyone around me to the best of my abilities. 

I wandered around the maze of streets for what seemed like hours. The red sky darkened to the color of dried blood as night set in. I felt hot tears prick at my eyes as I realized I had no place to go. I was homeless. 

Half and hour later, I stumbled across a building that looked newer than the rest with a sign bearing the words "Happy Hotel" written in bright letters on the front. With no other idea what to do, I went up to the front door and knocked. 

A perky blonde girl opened the door with a giant grin, "Oh my goodness, come on in!" Without waiting, she grabbed my arm and pulled me inside. 

"Welcome to the Happy Hotel," The blonde chattered as she led me to a seat, "I'm Charlie. And over there is Vaggie." She pointed to an unamused young woman behind the front desk. Then she jumped into a speech about why she had founded the hotel. I was barely listening, I was so tired. Something about redemption, I think. 

Noticing my eyes glazing over involuntarily, Charlie said, "I think that's enough for one night. Let's get you to bed." I nodded in a tired gaze, letting her lead me to a quiet room on the first floor. 

When I was left alone, the door clicking shut behind Charlie, I stripped out of my wet clothes and collapsed onto the clean bed. Even though I had no idea why I was in hell and was as miserable as a whipped dog, I didn't even have the energy to cry as I fell asleep. 

Finding Love at the Happy Hotel | An Alastor x Reader Lemon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now