The Streets of Hell

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I gave Alastor an unsure smile in return. I had no idea who this charming stranger was, but something told me to be wary of him. It was just some internal instinct. When I didn't say anything more, he turned back to Charlie. 

Not knowing what else to do, I slipped outside onto the sidewalk. I needed to have a plan. I needed a job so that I could find my own place to live. 

Lost in thought, I wandered down the street, looking for signs in shop windows stating that they were hiring. I stopped in a few, a bookstore and a bakery, to inquire within. Thanks to my disheveled appearance, I got turned down without a second thought. 

Dejected, I continued on my quest, refusing to give up. Someone would hire me, they had to. I couldn't let myself think otherwise. 

I was so lost in thought I didn't see the demon coming up behind me. I let out a terrified scream as some greasy asshole yanked me backwards by my hair. I flew back as I lost my footing, my head cracking against the corner of a brick building. Stars flashed before my eyes, head lolling as I crumpled to the ground. 

I could feel the demon going through my pockets looking for money or anything valuable. I fought the urge to slip into darkness, but it was so damned hard. 

"My my, what have we here?" A familiar voice, interrupting the thief. 


Finding Love at the Happy Hotel | An Alastor x Reader Lemon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now