The Tour

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"I hope the dinner was to your liking, my dear." Alastor said as he set his fork to the side. I leaned back in my own seat, feeling like I was ready for a nap. 

"It was delicious." I replied with a contented sigh. I wasn't lying, it was the best meal I had eaten in a long time. I couldn't remember the last time I'd had such good food. 

My reply made a Cheshire grin stretch across Alastor's face as he asked, "Would you like a tour around the house?" I nodded as I returned the smile. A bit slowly, we both got to our feet.

Leading me across the entrance hall, Alastor showed me beautiful antique sitting rooms, studies and bedrooms. We wandered around the spacious flat, ending at a set of dark wood double doors. Alastor turned the handle and pushed one of them open to reveal the best room of all.

Slack jawed, I stepped into the most exquisite personal library I had ever seen. Polished wooden shelves held books of every genre from floor to ceiling. Several plush armchairs sat by a window, letting some natural light into the room.

"This is amazing," I said breathlessly.

"You like to read?" Alastor asked, watching me from the doorway.

"I do," I replied, "I was a bit of an introvert, to say the least." 

"You're more than welcome to come over and read anytime you like," He said with a crooked grin. I turned to look at him, surprise written across my face.


"Really." He chuckled. Without thinking, I rushed over and hugged him around the neck. 

Finding Love at the Happy Hotel | An Alastor x Reader Lemon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now