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I hope all you amazing deviants are having a better Monday than I am. I'm sorry this will be the second night in a row I haven't updated. Last night I had a headache and went to bed early. And today...well today was a shit show. 

Shitty Thing #1 - Got into my car and it smelled like something had died. Upon further investigation, I found out it was a clementine that had rolled out of my lunch box and under my passenger side seat to die.  

Shitty Thing #2 - Some gutter scum decided that my bills didn't need to be paid, so they stole $900 USD out of my bank account. Yes, a police report has been filed and my bank notified. No, it is too soon to know if I'll even see that money again. 

Shitty Thing #3 - Facebook, despite knowing when I even think about sneezing, seemed to deem it appropriate to show my depressed ass a bunch of workout videos and fitness ads. Thanks, Facebook, like I didn't feel crappy enough already.

I'll update tomorrow when I'm in a better mood. Thank you all for listening to me rant for a minute.


Avia Rein

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