Real Smooth

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About a week into my new job, Alastor came by to look for a new book. Or so he said. I rolled my eyes as he slid a collectors edition of the Screwtape Letters onto the counter.

"Isn't that a little ironic?" I asked, ringing him up. 

Alastor grinned at me widely, "That's half the fun." I couldn't help but chuckle. We were the only ones in the bookstore at the moment, so there was no one to overhear us. 

Reaching into my back pocket, I pulled out the money I owed him and set it on top of the book. The radio demon raised an eyebrow but said nothing. Apparently he had learned rather quickly not to push me on these things. Smart man. 

"By the way," Alastor said almost as an afterthought as he gathered up his book and money, "I was hoping you would join me for dinner tomorrow night." I froze from the stack of books I was about to pick up. 

Unable to think of a halfway decent excuse to turn him down, I replied, "Uh, sure I guess." Real smooth, (Y/N), real smooth. But my answer made Alastor grin broadly all the same.

"Perfect." He said happily, "I'll have the car pick you up at six."

Finding Love at the Happy Hotel | An Alastor x Reader Lemon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now