Welcome to Hell

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The first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was a sky the color of half dried blood. I blinked a few times, thinking I must have hit my head. After a few moments, I realized the color wasn't changing. It was really red. 

Sitting up with a groan, I looked around. I was lying on a filthy sidewalk surrounded by run down looking buildings. Confusion settled over me as I tried to figure out where exactly I was. 

Thinking back to the last thing I remembered, I frowned. I had been crossing the street, I had the right away. I remember I did, because some of the lights were burnt out on the little person figure, making it look like it only had one leg and I thought it looked odd. Then there was a car horn, a scream, and an explosion of pain. 

And then I woke up here. 

Standing on shaky legs, I looked around some more. Humanoid figures walked to and fro, looking like something out of a Tim Burton movie. I shook my head, trying to puzzle it all out. 

Giving up, I snagged a short toad like person by the arm and asked, "Excuse me, can you tell me where I am?"

The stranger laughed like a lunatic, pulling his arm from my grip, "Bitch, did you fall on your head? We're in Hell!"

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